A little surprise-Chapter 2

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The next morning, you woke up and checked your phone to find a message from Dan

"Meet me round mine at 1PM?"

"Sure!" you text back. You look at the clock, 8AM, you have always been an early waker. You open the curtains, letting the morning light pour in. You look over toward Dan and Phil's apartment, the curtains were all closed (of course!) you roll your eyes. You go make breakfast, Jam on toast, you don't like it, but it was the only thing you could find in the cupboard. You put the Tv on and ate your breakfast. After having eaten, you checked your social media and then spent nearly an hour scrolling through Tumblr. You drag yourself from the laptop to go have a shower. The doorbell rang just as you had stepped out of the shower, you cover yourself with a towel.

"Who is it?" you shout

"It's me! [BF/N]" she bellows back

"Wait a min...I'm just coming!" you go and unlock the door, still with the towel around you.

"I could've waited" she said greeting you. You shrug and let her in. You'd planned to move in together, but you had arrived first.

"I'm going over the road at 1" you shout from your bedroom, looking through your wardrobe deciding what to wear.

"Can I come?" she questioned, she was moving into the room next to yours, dragging her suitcases and boxes through the hallway.

"I'll ask him," you say diving for your phone and texting Dan.

"Him?" she asked

"Yeah, I bumped into him whilst exploring London," you explain

"Maybe I won't come" she said in disappointment, "I'll ruin it!"

"Ruin what? You are coming and that's that. And besides, there might be someone there that you like," you said smirking, knowing that [BF/N] watches their videos too.

After lots of possible outfits being thrown back in the wardrobe and [BF/N] asking 'He's not that important, is he?' many times, you decide on wearing an oversized hoodie that you adore and black skinny jeans.

"We better go, it's 5 to 1!" you exclaim. [BF/N] came out of her room and looked at your hoodie,

"It looks so fluffy! Can I touch it?" [BF/N] can come out with some weird questions sometimes.

"Sure," you say. She strokes your hoodie and hugs you,

"You feel like a big teddy bear!" she laughed.

You both exit the house,

"[BF/N] I'm going to warn you" you say slowly, "Please don't freak out or do anything strange when they open the door, OK?" you ask. She looked concerned. "You'll understand in a minute," you say crossing the road. You give [BF/N] the privilege of knocking on the door. You put her in the middle of the doorstep and tell her to close her eyes. Dan opens the door and you frantically try to signal not to speak by pointing at your friend and doing the 'shhhhh' sign with your finger on your mouth. He leaves the door and gets Phil.

"Open your eyes," you say, excited. [BF/N] was speechless. She stared at you and back to Dan and Phil with her mouth slightly open.

"Do you wanna come in?" Dan said awkwardly glancing at Phil and nudging him in the side. Phil seemed to be transfixed, staring into [BF/N]'s eyes. You gladly enter as it wasn't to warm outside. You drag [BF/N] past Phil and into the house, Phil quickly follows.

"What's for lunch?" you ask plopping yourself down on the sofa next to Dan. [BF/N] was standing in the doorway looking around and slightly in the way of Phil getting through.

"Something from the fridge," Dan replies

"I'll go make something" you mutter, "I've only had Jam on toast this morning and I don't even like it," you grunt, squeezing past [BF/N] to get to the kitchen. She follows

"[Y/N]" she whispers, "How the freaking hell are you so comfortable around them?" she asked

"I spent practically the whole day with them yesterday," you explain, "now help me cook," you say a little louder. You check the fridge.


"Dannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn," you whine loudly, "There's nothing in the fridge!"

"Let me see about that," he said getting up and walking toward the kitchen.

"Mind the door!" you say quickly, just before he walks into it. He walks over to you, staring into the seemingly empty fridge. He stood behind you examining the contents...

"Ahh... yes, A lemon, milk and some chocolate," he stated, "Not much of a meal," he leant in to reach the lemon, leaning against you, his body pressed against your back. He threw the lemon in the air, catching it with one hand.

"To me! To me!" you laugh, catching the lemon and throwing it to [BF/N] she dropped the lemon. at the same moment Phil walked in, they both bent down to get the lemon. You saw Phil touch her hand lead by an awkward silence,

"Takeaway then?" you offer, getting out your phone. Everyone nodded simultaneously.

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