Catching Shades(Part 2)-Chapter 45

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You lay on the sun bed beside the pool at the water park that you had arrived at about half an hour ago.

"[Y/N], why don't you jump in?" [BF/N] shouts from the pool.

"I'm getting in in a minute," you say, sitting up, "I'm enjoying the sun here,"

"You're missing out on all of the fun," She replies,

"Oh, alright then!" You say, getting up. Before you can react, you feel two arms wrap around you and propel you forward. You land in the pool with a very ungraceful splash.

"I'd give that a minus one," says Dan from the side of the pool, laughing at you.

"You'll get payback for that Howell, just you wait," you say, swimming over to him. You proceed to pull at his legs until he topples into the pool.

"Thanks [Y/N], now my hairs wet!" Dan exclaims,

"It was inevitable, whether you like it or not!" You laugh back.

You spend the rest of the day flying down water slides and playing with it inflated balls with Dan, Phil and [BF/N].

Very short chapter, I know. I didn't feel up to writing when I wrote this.
I promise I'll be back to longer chapters next week.
Have a great week,
Bethany :)

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