Embrace-Chapter 33

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"I want to go out," Dan whines in your ear for the seemingly hundredth time that hour.
"As I said two minutes ago, where would we go?" you ask, "The bench down the road isn't that exhilarating, is it?"
"Grab your shoes, [Y/N], we are going out!" Dan exclaims. It's very unlike him.
"Are you sure you are feeling okay?" you ask, "It's just gone noon, you are normally still in bed scrolling on Tumblr," you say, closing down Wattpad on your laptop.
"Change of scenery," is all you hear Dan say before you are pulled out of the door.
The air was cool and fresh for a winter's afternoon. A slight wind tousled your hair that hung down past your shoulders. For some people this look was effortless glamour but you were pretty sure you looked like a long haired dog when they stick their head out of the car window. You squint to block the sunlight,
"Which way?"
"Left," replies Dan before he turned on his heel and proceeded to walk with long strides. You quickly caught up with him.
"Are you sure you are alright?" you nudge Dan in the side to soften him up,
"Sometimes when we are at home, I feel we don't get too much privacy...[BF/N] or Phil are always in the room." he huffs,
"Well," you begin, "You do live with Phil, he has the right to be in the house," you chuckle.
"I feel like we never get privacy though, I can't kiss you without [BF/N] wolf whistling in the background,"
"That's probably my fault," you admit, "I've always done the same to her. There was this really awkward time once when..."
"Spare me the details," Dan interrupted.
There was silence. Although, silence wasn't awkward when you were with Dan. You averted your attention to other things, like how his hand seemed to fit into yours perfectly, like a jig-saw. Or how Dan's breathing was heavy but rhythmic. You were so concentrated on your own thoughts that you were nearly pulled off your feet when Dan stopped walking without warning.
"You've taken us the the bench down the road." you laugh, sitting down next to Dan.
"This is better than sitting in the lounge with the presence of Phil on the other sofa."
You lock eyes with Dan. His dark brown eyes made you want to melt on the spot. He looks back at you biting his lip and before you know it, before you know who leant in first, you were kissing him.
His dry, chapped lips met yours. The fireworks hit you again, bursting inside you. The kiss felt different, full of pent up emotions rather than a sudden spurt of passion. You lent into him, deepening the kiss.
It was then that you realised.
You weren't in a private place.
You'd practically climbed on top of Dan in public.
In the middle of London.
For all you knew, someone could have seen.
Members of the Phandom were probably walking down this very street.
This is why you disliked showing affection toward Dan in public.
You feel your anxiety spike as you hastily pulled away from Dan, shifting your position so that you were seated on the bench.
"What's wrong?" Dan asks,
"Maybe the fact that we just made out in public?" you say, your voice wavering.
"And?" he says, clearly oblivious to what you see,
"Anyone could have seen. I've barely held your hand in public before."
"Look, we are a couple [Y/N]. I'm sure the Phandom thinks we do more than show public displays of affection if you know what I mean. What do they expect us to do? Sit across a table sipping tea?"
"That would be very British of us!" you laugh.
You both get up and walk back toward the flat.
"Look, if you ever wanted privacy, we could always go to your room. I mean, Phil should't be in there lying on your bed reading a book, should he?" you half-heartedly joke, not sure of what you just said.
"I suppose," Dan's words weren't eager, maybe exhausted of going out of his way to find privacy.
"Look, if you really wanted privacy I could just say that I'm filming with you in your room or in the office." you compromise, opening the door to the flat.
It was later that evening, you and Dan had just moved into his room. You sent a quick text to [BF/N]:
'Don't come in.'
You got an immediate response:
'Okay...don't make too much noise.'
You a slightly taken aback about how rude [BF/N]'s mind could be. You quickly typed a reply:
'You have such a dirty mind...Not much of that happening at the moment!'
Your phone buzzed and you got slightly annoyed at [BF/N] for texting you even if it did have good intentions,
'There is always a first time for everything. Be safe :)'
You completely disregard her message, she was only teasing.
You placed your phone on Dan's desk and walked toward him. You arms wrapped around his waist and you put your head on his chest, you listened to his steady heart beat.
"Why is your heart racing so fast?"
"I think any girl in close quarters with you would have a fast heart," you smirk.
It was then that you melted into his embrace, his lips met with yours and you kissed passionately.
Before you know it, Dan's shirt was off and he was working off your clothing. You spark and grab his arm,
"Dan, I'm sorry. I hope I'm not being rude but I can't do it. Not yet."
Hey guys!!
I hope you all had an amazing Christmas!! (If you celebrate it)
I'm a bit anxious about posting this as I feel like this style of writing is a bit out of my depth.
I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes in this chapter as I was using a Bluetooth keyboard case that I got for Christmas and I'm still not used to it.
Please give me constructive criticism for how to write in this style as I'm not the best!!
If you ever need anyone, I'm here.
Bethany :)

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