My last hope-Chapter 39

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{Dan's POV because you are unconscious and everyone wanted it}
'What do you mean?' I text her back, my heart racing.
'I saw you earlier with Lizzie.' I read the text over and over, she must have misunderstood. I never kissed Lizzie, she kissed me. Surely she knew that?
'[Y/N]! You think I was kissing her?' Wasn't it obvious what happened?
'That is what it looked like to me!' She's angry at me.
'She came on to me! Surely you saw my reaction?' I try to explain the situation, obviously not very well.
'Yeah, I saw you kissing her back.' The reply shocked me, it took longer for me to reply. I contemplated a few replies, my fingers dancing to and throw the keyboard.
'Look [Y/N], I do care so much about you. I wish you were there to see my reaction.' I type, hoping she would believe me.
'What happened to her?' Said the new text that arrived from [Y/N].
'Why don't you come over, it's a bit of a long story...' I type, desperately trying to get her to come round our flat.
'I'll be over soon.' The message was blunt but it released a tidal wave of relief inside me.
I wait in the lounge, watching the windows across the street, Hoping that sometime soon the lights would go off and she would come over. My leg bounced up and down rhythmically, in sync with my hand tapping on the sofa.
Finally. I make my way toward the door to welcome her in. I open the front door and see a dark van rounding the corner with no headlights. I look back to [Y/N] who is crossing the street, she musn't of seen the truck because it was so dark. But the truck wouldn't see her either.
"[Y/N]!" I shout a little too late and milliseconds later I hear a shrill scream and skidding rubber. "[BF/N]! Phil!" I shout in frantic desperation before running into the road and falling onto my knees in front of [Y/N]'s limp form. I wrap my hands around one of hers and I feel her trying to hold on. However, after a few seconds her eyes shut and the tension lets go. She falls limp. I cradle her body, feeling something pulling on my shoulders. I hear Phil's voice calling my name, telling me to let go, that she would be safer with the medics. But I can't let go. What if this is the last chance I get to hold her? I can see bright blue lights flashing against the walls of the flats along our street. I can hear lots of people gathering around and sirens in the distance. I can feel people tugging at my shoulders and arms to let go, but everything is numb to me. The only thing I can focus on is [Y/N], I need her.
Why is it that I realise I need her most, when she isn't there?
I give up. I slowly release her body and lots of people in high-visibility jackets swarm around her. I turn around and two people hold onto me, one on each arm. I don't notice who it is. I can't notice who it is. Everything is a blur, I feel dazed.
She was my last hope, my last lifeline; and I may have just lost her.
Hey guys!!
After the pain of last weeks update I thought I'd listen to you guys and write a chapter in Dan's POV so I hope you liked it.
Also, I hope this didn't torment you too much as many of you seemed to have died internally over the past few updates.
We are so close to 50K now and I hope we reach that milestone soon!! Please remember that even though I have quite a few reads, I still appreciate every single one of you as you all make a difference. And yes, before you ask, I do read every single comment!!!
Have a great week, I'll see you again next Monday!
Bethany :)

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