Wait, what?? -Chapter 57

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Then, deep beneath the soil, something stirred...

Inside the coffin, your body lay limp, not rigid. Something was not quite as it should be.

First your fingers twitched, and then you could feel your whole hand. Slowly, the essence of life began oozing its way back into every vein and limb in your body. You eventually regained complete consciousness. You felt totally fresh, almost as if you had been reborn.

Then your eyes opened. They opened to damp and dark surroundings, where blackness was the only view. You tried to move your arms and legs but you simply couldn't. There wasn't any room, and you felt as if you have been buried alive. You felt as if you are completely boxed in, giving you roughly the space of a coffin.

You lay still for a while. Slowly, thoughts of the past came flooding in and lodged themselves in your mind. The repeated screams coming from Dan rung in your ears, and the last thing you can remember is Jake being fairly obtrusive and abusive.

After some time, air seemed to become a little more sparse as your breathing became more difficult. You composed yourself and concentrated on deep breathing. Hyperventilating would cause you to breath faster which would use more oxygen. Next, you needed a plan of action.

You checked up and down yourself and you didn't have a torch or anything of use on you, so you decided to try and break then lid open.

"An object is only as strong as it's weakest point," you mutter. You brought your arms up to your chest and took off your jumper so that it was covering your face to prevent dust or dirt from chocking you.

Then, you began kicking and kneeing the roof of the coffin with all of your might. Cheap coffins are only thin anyway and the pressure from the soil on top should weaken it slightly.

Eventually you heard a crack. You stopped and made sure you were still breathing slowly. Then, you kicked hard once more and a deluge of soul came rushing down onto your legs, temporarily trapping them.

Moving slowly, you began to wiggle your legs to the top of the soil. Then you started pushing at the wood above you. As soon as it breaks, your goal was to sit up. After a few minutes of struggling you did just that. You sat there for a while and as the warm summers air hit your lungs, you regained all the energy you had just lost.

The next problem was making your way back to Dan. Firstly, you hadn't a clue where the graveyards were in and around London and which one you are situated in. And secondly, once you found Dan - how would he deal with seeing his presumed dead girlfriend?

You got up and began to walk out of the graveyard and onto the street. They were busy like you would expect in London, but places had changed and weren't as you recognised them before. Eventually, you found a fairly young woman and asked her where you are and the way back. The woman looked utterly shocked,

"Why do you act as if you've just seen a ghost?" You asked.

Evil? Yeah I'm sorry.
I suddenly had the urge to update, but unfortunately I wanted to update the story I've already finished about three times oops.
So yeah here's more of TBND.
You may or may not see me again here, it depends!
Bethany :)

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