A little surprise-Chapter 5

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You woke up in the morning and checked your laptop which was on Dan's desk. You had gained 15 subscribers and you thought that was great. All of the comments were lovely. You plaited your hair and did your normal morning routine apart from your make-up. You start to panic. Dan was going to see you without make-up for the first time. It was early in the morning so Dan wouldn't be up for a bit. You trudged to the lounge, still in Dan's clothes.
You checked your phone for the first time since you woke up, a message from [BF/N],
'WHERE ARE YOU?' She had obviously gone home last night.
'Come round Dan and Phil's , I'll let you in.' You text back, she answers straight away
'I have questions...I'll be round soon.'
You answered the door and let [BF/N] in, still in Dan's clothes. She stared at you and raised her eyebrows. You trudged back to the lounge and put the TV on.
"One, where were you last night? And two, what is that YouTube thing?" [BF/N] blurted out in your face.
"One question at a time please," you laughed, trying to brush her anger off. "Last night I was staying round here as Dan said it was 'unsafe' to go home at 1AM after filming, I'm in Dan's clothes because I had nothing to wear to bed last night and Dan persuaded me to start YouTube," you said, answering all of [BF/N]'s questions at once.
"Ok," [BF/N] said believing what you'd said. You watched some morning TV programmes until about 11AM when you hear movement from Dan's room. You knocked on Dan's door.
"Come in if you are [Y/N]" Dan shouted. You entered. Dan was changing and he was only in his boxers.
"I could've waited!" You said walking in. Dan just smiled at you.
"I'm going out when I'm ready," Dan mentioned. "And nobody's coming with me," he added. You nodded, wondering what he was up to. You walked toward his wardrobe and picked out his horned hoodie.
"Can I wear this?" You ask "I'm cold," you added.
"Sure," he replied, checking his hair. He kissed you on the forehead and left the house.
"Where'd Dan go?" She asked
"Out...He said it was a secret," you replied, snuggling into his hoodie that you was wearing. You loved this hoodie. You put the hood up and shuffled to the kitchen looking for breakfast. You returned with and bowl of Dan's cereal in your hand.
"So how's you and Phil? You asked, smirking slightly, knowing that she had probably worked out that you and Dan were together considering what you were wearing.
"He's good," she replied, blushing slightly
"You're his girlfriend aren't you?" You asked, trying to squeeze as much information out of her as possible.
"Maybe," she said, smiling. You could read her like a book. You'd finished your cereal and was washing the bowl up when Dan bustled in through the hallway with a cardboard box that looked heavy. You made him a bowl of cereal, remembering that he went straight out this morning. You went to his room and knocked on his door.
"Don't come in if you are [Y/N]," he shouted
"I bring cereal!" You replied.
"Leave it outside and in the nicest way possible, could you go please?" Dan replied, you did as he said. You went round to your flat to get some clothes. Thankfully, nobody was around to see you in Dan's pants. You chucked on another pair of skinny jeans and kept on Dan's t-shirt and jumper. You returned to Dan and Phil's flat with a book in hand. You sat on the sofa reading the book, listening to the obscure bangs and crashes coming from Dan's bedroom. You got a snack as you missed lunch, you returned to your book with your snack bar. A few hours later, Dan walked into the lounge wearing a satisfied smile and holding a hammer in his left hand. He dragged you up by your hand and pulled you to his bedroom.
"Close your eyes," Dan whispered, hugging you from behind. You have him a quizzical look, then obeyed.
He opened the door and guided you into his room with his hand in the small of your back. He stopped and said,
It was a set of drawers. You looked round to Dan who seemed very happy with achievements.
"Thanks Dan!" You hug him, burying your face into his chest, breathing in his familiar scent.
"It's a stuff drawer!" Dan said, chuckling to himself. You removed yourself from Dan's grasp to go and get something from the lounge. You come back and place your laptop charger in the drawer before smiling at Dan. He smiled back, his dimples returning once again. You check your watch, 6PM.
"I'll go make dinner," you said. After having devoured the spaghetti bolognese that you made, you took refuge in Dan's room. You'd decided to spend the night again.
"Mhhhhhhh," you replying rolling over to face Dan.
"I need to tell my Danosaurs,"
"Pardon? Tell them what?"
"About us,". Dread filled your lungs.
"We can film and edit it," you reply.
"What about uploading? It'd be no use without uploading," Dan chuckled
"Can we wait to upload?" You ask.
"Yeah," he replies in a soft voice, "But why?"
"I somehow feel that the longer you leave it, the less hate there will be. I know it's strange..." You said before falling asleep, once again, in Dan's arms.

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