Expressions-Chapter 14

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"[Y/N], [Y/N]? [Y/N]!"
"Huh?," you tore open your eyes and made contact with the brown ones you loved.
"[Y/N]! Thank god" you shot Dan a quizzical look, "you were thrashing and screaming in your sleep!"
"B-bad dream," you murmur, sitting up straight.
You get up and shuffle through to the lounge and pull a blanket around you, don't cry. Don't cry.
"[Y/N], Is the anything you would like?" Dan asks, following you through,
"Could you go and wake [BF/N] up please, but don't interrupt... Anything," you say cautiously, "Oh, and could you make me a hot chocolate if you don't mind, thanks!" You remember.
You glance at your watch, it's hard to tell the time as you are shaking so much. 2:46. God, why does this always happen to me?
You hear a yell in the tone of Dan's voice and a 'Jesus Christ' from Phil. By the time [BF/N] had huffed into the lounge, you'd almost drunk the hot chocolate Dan had make for you.
She took one look at you and her expression changed completely,
"Did you see....Him?" She asked in barely a whisper.
You nod, a tear slipping down your cheek. Ugh god, now I seem like a wimp.
"Uhh, sorry to interrupt, but who's him?" Dan asks, he was sitting opposite you.
"Errm, well. The thing is. He was," [BF/N] spluttered, looking at you. Dan should know, you should tell him.
"He was my brother, Alex," was all you could manage from turning into an emotional wreck, Dan looked very confused by now, you wouldn't blame him.
"Alex unfortunately passed away a few days after the accident," [BF/N] whispered, she was now crouched down, hugging you awkwardly because the arm of the sofa was in the way.
"But you said no one was hurt," Dan said, getting up,
"They weren't, not in the actual crash anyway," you splutter, "He passed away at home about two days later, we think it was post traumatic stress," You didn't know how much of that sentence had actually made a sound out of your mouth.
Dan sunk down on the sofa next to you and you leant into his chest, breathing in his scent. By this point [BF/N] probably felt really awkward because she half crawled/slid out of the room.
"How long have you been having these dreams," Dan mumbled quietly into your ear,
"A while, but it's never been this bad, not until the anxiety kicked in anyways," You mumble.
"Let's not talk about it, okay?" Dan said, squeezing you tighter,
"Okay," you say, nestling down into Dan's chest but not daring to go to sleep.
"Dan," you say about half an hour later, probably half an hour, you didn't have a watch on you.
"Mmmmm," Dan replied,
"Should I start vlogging?" You ask, this question had been on your mind for a while as you thought it would benefit your channel a lot.
"If you want," Dan mumbles, "I don't know why your asking me, it's not as if I vlog a lot,"
"I know, I just needed a second opinion," You answered, deciding what you'd do.
I know you hate me :) That cliff-hanger on the last chapter though. It was like you were are literally exploding! Anyways, here's the update as you wanted it.... I bet it's not as dramatic as you were hoping :(
Bethany :) x

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