Anything better?-Chapter 51

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The taxi pulled up outside a fancy looking restaurant, and Dan helped you get out of the car. You walked up to the entrance in awe, the surrounding decorations were absolutely beautiful.

"Table booked for Mr.Howell?" Dan asked the waitress at the door. She flicked through her book before nodding slightly and beckoning for you to follow her.

The inside of the restaurant was very dimly lit, each table set with its own lit candle. Dan sat opposite you, looking through the menu.

You had a delicious dinner, all of the food was perfectly cooked. It was a lot better than the microwave meal that you were planning to eat this evening.

Dan looked fancy all dressed up the way he is: with a smart black suit and shiny black shoes. You smile inwardly at the amount of effort he put into making this evening special.

After dinner, Dan took you by the hand and lead you out into the London street. He lead you around a few blocks, checking his phone every now and then, as if to check that they are on the right track.

He pulled you into a hall, where the lights were dim and loud slow music is playing. Lots of people were dancing around, having a good time.

"It's a night to relax," Dan explained, getting all of the book malarkey out of your head!"

"Thanks Dan," you smiled gratefully up at him, intertwining your fingers with his.

And that was how you spent the evening: dancing with your head resting on Dan's chest in your new fancy dress that Dan had brought you. To be honest, you couldn't think of anything better.

I have a lack of imagination at the moment.
(I sound so weird for saying that, I like garments okay?!)
Aha, have a great week,
Bethany :)

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