Him?-Chapter 52

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You entered your flat and collapsed onto the sofa. It had been a long day at the office, in meetings from the minute you got there until the minute you left. Publishing this book wasn't easy business, it seemed that it included endless meetings. Meetings to confirm what you said in the meeting before that which was talking about a meeting that you once had. It was an endless spiral that seems like it will never end.

Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you pulled it out to look at it,

Dan: 'You looked beautiful today :)'

Had Dan finally lost it? You hadn't seen him since last night when you told him that you wouldn't be seeing him at all today. He's going crazy.

[Y/N]: 'You didn't see me at all today? I was at the office all of the time?'

Dan: 'I know, but I don't need to see you to know that you look beautiful.'

You smiled at your phone, Dan always had a way of cheering you up when you felt stressed or anxious. How did he even know that you were feeling a little down?

Your phone buzzed again, causing a loud sound against the leather of your sofa. You glanced at your phone.

It can't be.

Can it?

You look at your phone again. You check that you read the contact right.

He left your life months ago.

Re-reading his name set off panic inside of you. The name didn't change. You were definitely reading it right.

The text message.

It read:

'How sweet of you, [Y/N]. You're having such a nice relationship with Dan. It's almost like you've forgotten all about the boy next door.'

Boy next door-Dan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now