What now?-Chapter 55 (Final Chapter)

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So many thoughts run through your head in a flurry of confusion. Of course you trust Dan, why wouldn't you. But Jake's words just keep replaying in your head and you doubt yourself even more.

You jump and push yourself into the wall opposite the front door of your apartment as the door was angrily knocked on three times. The loudness of the moment brought you back to your senses, you had to do something. You take a shaky breath in, and let it out before relaxing your shoulders and thinking things through.

Jake obviously wants you to go to the door, or let him in somehow. So the obvious thing to do is barricade the door. But that could make things worse. Maybe the answer is to just let Jake in and be done with this, before he finds his own way in.

You walk towards the door and close your eyes. You really don't want to see what is on the other side of the door, but you don't want to prolong the situation any longer than necessary. Your fingers close around the door handle and pull the door open. The sight you are greeted with is not one that you expected to see.

Jake was standing outside your door holding a cloth. The cloth happened to also be tied around Dan's mouth, preventing him from speaking. You lock your eyes onto Dan's, his are full of terror and exhaustion.

"Let him go." You say to Jake in the most calm tone that you can muster at this precise moment in time.

"Let me in." He replies bluntly.

You stare at Jake, his gaze never faltered. You knew that if Dan was to be let go, you have to let Jake in. So, you step back - allowing Jake to step foot into your threshold.

"Let him go." You say, turning around to face Jake again. Dan's eyes a frantically telling you to stop but you just wanted to get Dan free.

"Okay," he says, "but under one condition."

"What?" You almost sigh, can't he cut to the chase?

You watch in terror as Jake lets go of the gag around Dan's mouth. Everything seems to happen is slow motion as you hear Dan's voice screaming. But the last thing you see is Jake's arm flying towards your head.

Then all went into darkness.

Yes, this is the last chapter. Although, I will be publishing an authors note soon!
I don't really know what to say here, as I will cover it all in the authors note.
Hope you're having a great week,
Bethany :)

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