Anticipation-Chapter 15

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"Morning guys," you say to the camera, this was your first day vlogging, "I know what you're thinking, 'WHOA WHAT? SINCE WHEN? AND LOOK AT HER FACE!' I know I look crap, I've only just woken up and it's 7:30. We need to go out to get some milk and maltesers and the essentials from the shop so you are coming with me!" You exclaim,
"Did I hear a [Y/N]?" Said Dan, walking into the room,
"I was vlogging," you replied looking into the camera lens,
"Also, I would like you to apologise to me, on camera, for waking me up so early to go and get stuff from the shops," Dan stares at you,
"I sincerely apologise to Dan for waking him up at 'God o clock' in the morning" you say, smirking slightly,
"And I would like you to take everything you said about looking crap because you don't and I'm sure you offended lots of people," Dan mentioned, this time putting his hands on his hips,
"But...." You argue
"No buts," he adds,
"I apologise that I said that I look crap because apparently I don't,"
"Thank you," Dan muttered, "here's your toast," he said, passing you a plate of severely burnt toast covered in butter to hide the blackest bits.
"Thank you," you say, showing the camera your extremely over done toast.
You eat your toast and get up and dressed, you pull your hair up into a messy bun and decide not to put any make up on...
"It's half an hour later now and we are on our way to the shops," you vlog, showing the camera your linked arms. [BF/N] and Phil were in front, [BF/N] was occasionally tripping over Phil's foot.
"Hey Dan," you exclaim, "Why haven't you done your hair this morning?" you ask,
"Because YOU woke me up at f***ing half six in the morning," Dan said,
You smile sweetly at the camera before coming up with a great idea,
"Hey Dan, for my next three vlogs, I challenge you to not straighten your hair all day," you announce,
"That's not fair!" Dan shouted in a strop,
"Okay, okay, you challenge me to make it fair," you compromise,
"I challenge you to catch those two kissing in today's vlog and your next two vlogs," Dan says, lowering his voice slightly so Phil and [BF/N] wouldn't hear.
"Deal," you say, excited to have some fun filming [BF/N], you shake Dan's hand.
"What are we even looking for?" [BF/N] says, bumping into the trolley not helping you as you were on handedly steering the trolley, trying to vlog at the same time.
"What do you want to eat for the next week?" You ask, looking into the nearly empty trolley, "we can't live on cookies and ham for the next week," you state.
"Pizza?" She asks,
"Pizza," you say smiling before setting off to the frozen isle, then realising that you shouldn't vlog and steer.
"Help," you squeak before crashing into the side of the Isle, nearly bringing down the shelf of cereal. [BF/N] turns around and just laughs at you before choosing a pizza from the freezers, at this convenient time, Dan and Phil came round the corner to see you struggling which the camera and the trolley.
"So it's the end of the day," you say,
"I'm ignoring you," Dan shouts from the other room,
"I'm trying to film [BF/N] and Phil as I haven't got a chance today," you say, whispering slightly
"I'm still ignoring you," Dan shouts,
"I know," you shout back
You creep round by the door of Phil's room. [BF/N] was definitely in there. 
You push the door open slightly and put the camera through the door, you look at the screen,
"BINGO!" You shout,
"Have you done it?" Dan shouts,
"I thought you were ignoring me?" You reply,
"Well..." Dan comments, returning silent. A few minutes later Dan comes into the bedroom and groans.
"You haven't put your hair up.." He moans
"I know, it's damp, I don't want to make it too wavy by plaiting it," you mention grabbing your camera.
"Dan's annoyed with me because I haven't tied up my hair," you say, grinning...
"Don't just say that, they won't know what you are talking about," Dan says
"Well, I'm the little spoon," you start, "So when I don't have my hair plaited, Dan gets a face full of hair at night," you laugh,
"And you don't want that," Dan adds, pushing your hair upwards so it wouldn't be in his face.
***(Time skip brought to you by unicorns)
"It's like four hours later now and I'm still not asleep," you vlog, "I think it is because what happened last night," you say, more to Dan than the camera.
"I had a brother called Alex and he died shortly after our family had a car accident," you say, your voice cracking once again.
"You sure you want to tell them?" Dan murmurs,
"I had a terrifying recollection of the accident last night and now I'm terrified of going to sleep," you say "Alex shaped me into who I was and, thinking about it, who I am today. His death has changed me in so many ways,"
"Do you even know why you had that nightmare?" Dan asks,
"I don't know," you reply, "but I do know that it's his death day in three days," you say before turning off the camera and nestling your head into Dan's chest.
'Come into my room quietly and get [Y/N]'s camera and film her,' Dan texts [BF/N]
'Sure thing,' she texts back
When you check your vlog the next day whilst editing it you notice the clip, Dan has edited a voice over onto it,
'Hello [Y/N]'s subscribers, this was [Y/N] after telling you about Alex, she cares about you and puts you first before her mental health. I love her and know she is torn up by this so please don't mention it too much.'
Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a week or something like that. I have managed to break my finger whilst playing benchball. I write using that finger :/  The doctors told me that there is a bit of bone floating around and I might need pins but I hope not as I want to get back to sports.
Also the new apple update is kind of cool, I've got half and half opinions at the moment...
Thank you so much for nearly getting to 5K, I'm not that good at writing?!
Bethany :)

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