Microwave-Chapter 9

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That was it, people knew. By tomorrow, the whole fandom will know. You will have to post the video tonight.
"We're going to have to post the video," you said, as soon as you had both got into Dan's bedroom.
"Are you sure? That's why you didn't want to post it, wasn't it?" He asks
You nod sheepishly.
"[Y/N], I'm going to help you, even if we don't get rid of it, we can control it," Dan says, holding both your hands. You, without thinking, crash your lips to his, intertwining your fingers in his hair. He wrapped his arms around your back, pulling you even closer. You run your tongue along his bottom lip bidding for entry. He opens his mouth and your tongues do a dance, exploring each other's mouths.
"[Y/N], ohh," [BF/N] had walked in, you pulled away swiftly "sorry to interrupt, but Phil and I have cooked dinner and we was wondering if you would care to join us," she said, turning a shade of red that was very close to Crimson.
"We'd love to," you say walking towards the lounge, "what on earth could you have made in this little time?" You ask thinking it was probably a sandwich knowing [BF/N].
"Using our fine cooking skills, we turned on the mains plug and open the microwave door. Using our young eduction we counted 180 seconds and using our health and safety education we reopened the door and took the food out without burning ourselves." She explained,
"You microwaved something?" Dan said, laughing.
"It's all we could do without setting the house alight," [BF/N] hissed as you walked into the lounge. "Et voilà, spaghetti and meatballs from a plastic container,"
You enjoyed the meal, even though not much effort had been put into making in.
"Tomorrow Dan and I will be cooking," you announced at the end of the meal,
"Will we?" Dan asked, you nodded
"And it will be the best food you have tasted," you carried on
"Will it?" Dan questioned again, looking slightly worried
"Yes, it will be, and I know the perfect recipe," you said before leaving to wash up.
Dan followed you into the kitchen,
"You do realise the only thing I can cook is a pancake?"
"Yes, but I can cook a bit and the recipe is simple," you reply
"What is it?" Dan hastened to ask,
"You're going to have to wait and find out, won't you?" You say, splattering his face with soap bubbles.
Later on, you and Dan were waiting for the video to upload when you had a great idea for a Collab that you could do with Dan,
"Dan, I've got a great idea for a challenge Collab, which if we film it now we could get it uploaded in a couple of days, therefor surprising your Danosaurs with a new video so soon and getting them to like me because there is more content of me," you said quickly because you didn't want to loose the idea.
"Great idea but what are the challenges?" Dan remarked
"I'm not telling you, you get the set up whilst I prepare for the video, also it will take my mind off the uploading video," you muttered the last bit.
You went to the kitchen and got 6 tin cans from the cupboards, taking the label off each one, you returned with those tins, a tin opener, a pen, and a bucket. You labeled all of the tins from one to six, 3 of them were nice and 3 weren't. You grabbed a dice from Dan's desk and you were ready to film Dan's video.
"Hello Internet," Dan begins "Today I'm with [Y/N] and I have no idea what we are doing,"
"We are going to be doing the tin can challenge," You say as Dan groans "we have six tins , 3 are nice and 3 are horrible. We will roll the dice and eat a spoonful of what ever number it coordinates with," you say holding up the spoon.
"Who's going first?" Dan asks
"Since this was my idea, I'll go first. You offer," you roll the dice and it lands on 3. You open 3 and a horrible smell erupts from the tin. You put the admittedly half-a-spoon in your mouth and chewed for a bit with a disgusted face before spitting it out.
"Dan," you ask, "why do you have cat food in your cupboard?"
"PHILLL," Dan shouts, "WHY DO WE HAVE CAT FOOD IN OUR CUPBOARD?" Phil walks in,
"You didn't eat it. Did you?" Phil says as he walks in, "that was for if a cat came in the house, we could feed it," Phil explains
"Okay, you can go now," Dan says. You both stare at each other and then at the camera before bursting out laughing.
After finishing the challenge you asked Dan,
"How the hell did you get all of the good foods?"
"I don't know," he said, eating another tinned peach.
You were glad that Dan didn't insist on knowing the challenges because the one you were going to do next for your channel would be even harder to get him to consent to.
Hi guys, thank you so much for 1K views. I know I said I was away last week and that was why I didn't update ad I still didn't update this week. I was away this week as well, I was in Great Yarmouth for anyone who wanted to know. I wanted to post thanking you guys for reading this story but I didn't have good enough wifi. So, thanks so much for reading this, it means so much.
Bethany :)

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