Pancakes?Pancakes.-Chapter 6

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The next morning you woke up to Dan tickling you, showing no mercy.
"Stop Dan. Stop!"  You shout, breathless, kicking around trying to wriggle out of his grip.
"Pancakes?" Dan asks
"Pardon?" You replied, still slightly delirious.
"I'm making pancakes, you want to help?"
"Yeah," you say, jumping out of bed and pulling Dan's horned hoodie on.
You go into the kitchen to make pancakes with Dan. You beat the egg, milk and flour together and handed Dan the mixture as you didn't trust yourself with the frying pan.
Dan made he first pancake, flipping it with ease. He offered you to make the second pancake.
"But I don't know how to flip them without beheading anyone!" You protest.
"I'll help," Dan kindly offered,
"Fine," you huff.
Dan stood behind you and put his hands on top of yours, his arms either side of you. Dan helped you successfully make a few pancakes. You enjoyed the pancakes with Dan (take that how you wish) and after you had demolished the last pancake, Phil shuffled in the room, wearing his glasses and pyjamas.
"We ate them all," Dan muttered.
You felt sorry for Phil so you made two more pancakes, showing off you new found skills. There would've been a third pancake but you managed to burn it and you whilst staring into Dan's chocolaty brown eyes. Dan pulled you into his room.
"You said we'd film today," Dan hinted,
"Okay," you sighed, "I'll go home and get ready,"
"Where.... Are you going?" [BF/N] asked when you walked past the lounge.
"Ours," you replied
"I'm coming!" [BF/N] shouted, getting up. Once you'd got into your flat you started gathering a few things that you would need for filming.
"What are you doing today?" [BF/N] asked.
"I'm filming with Dan, you?" You replied, throwing clothes out of your wardrobe.
"Same.., wait, uhh, I'm filming with Phil is what I meant," she chuckled. You smiled at her and she playfully hit you with a pillow. You went to your dresser to do your makeup and [BF/N] followed you.
"We are going to need to borrow Phil for a bit of our video, is that alright?"
"Ok," [BF/N] replied, slightly confused. 20 minutes later, you were both ready. You had your phone charger and a book with you. The book was to go in the 'Stuff drawer' of course!
When you returned to Dan's room, he had the setup ready. He watched you as you placed the book in the top drawer humming to yourself.
"Ready to film?" You asked.
"Sure am," Dan replied, "Are you seriously wearing that?" He added, nodding to his horned hoodie you was still wearing.
"Yeah," you replied. Sitting behind the bed. Out of shot.
"Yeah," he shouted back,
"Come film with me for a min,"
"Ok," Phil said, trudging into the room giving you a strange look as you were lying uncomfortably on the floor.
The plan was to call it 'Phan is real?' and have Phil in the first bit of the video. Dan pressed the record button.
"Hello Internet," Dan started, "I've known Phil for years now."  Dan grinned and you tried your hardest not to laugh. "And I think I should be kind to my Danosaurs by telling you something you've wanted to know for a while."
You felt sorry for Phil as he didn't know what was going on. He was staring at Dan with a very confused look on his face.
"I have a partner," Dan continued. Phil looked extremely worried by now. "That partner," this is your que "is......."
"MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" You shout, jumping up from behind the bed. You hugged Dan from behind, making him flinch slightly because you was so close to his neck.
"This is [Y/N]'" he mentioned, "And," he carried on, "I'm in love with her,". You smiled a goofy smile towards him and absorbed yourself into his dreamy brown eyes.
"Guys," Phil said awkwardly, poking you in the back. You snapped your attention back to the camera.
"You can go now," you said, playfully shoving Phil off the bed.
"Well thanks," Phil muttered, getting up from the floor. You finished filming the video by helping Dan do the 'Sexy End Screen Dance.' You enjoyed editing the video with Dan, when you had finished Dan looked at you with a serious face.
"Do you want to upload it?" Dan asked. You looked down towards your feet and shook your head shyly before walking out of the room.
You spent the evening lying on the sofa with your head on Dan's lap.
"I wanna go somewhere tomorrow," you moaned.
"Where?" Dan replied,
"We could go the zoo," Phil chipped in. You liked that idea.
"Let's," you smiled.

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