You're gone-Chapter 40

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Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
Everyone's head bowed down as their last hope left them an dissolved into the sound of the everlasting high pitched beep.
"Time of death: 13:09" The doctor could be heard muttering and scribbling something down on his clipboard.
A few nurses came in the room and dragged a white sheet over the body. There is nothing to do apart from wallowing in thoughts whilst the nurses were hustling around, discarding of various pieces of paper and rubbish.
The bodies lifeless form lay still under the white sheet, not to be seen by anyone until the funeral.
Everyone but one left the room, their beds bowed, dabbing tissues to their eyes. One person was left clasping onto the lifeless form's hand, never to let go.
This person was their only confinement. Their last hope. The only one that actually knew the truth.
Their sobs could be heard in the corridor, for how could the carry on without their best friend?
The doctors hushed them out into the hallway so the body could be transported safely to the morgue.

You feel a sharp pain in your side. It felt like you were being stabbed multiple times in the side. It was a pain you had never experienced before. A pain you could never imagine. The pain ripped at your side until you could bear it no longer.
You reach to your side, breathing in sharply.  You see a flail of arms and hear an accented woman say,
"Don't touch, it will be sore. Now you're awake I can inform the doctor and bring your guests in," the short plump nurse walks out and around the corner.
You place the tips of your fingers to your head as if to soothe your pounding headache slightly. You are in a confined hospital room, a thin blue blanket covering your body. This could only remind you of one thing: the room in which Alex spent his last living hours, the room in which Alex died, the room in which you didn't know how you could survive without him. Every inch of you wants to lower the blanket, to see why your side is in so much pain. To see the cause of your distress. You begin to pull the blanket down when you hear a voice, his voice:
"[Y/N]!! You're not allowed to look!" Dan said, almost running into the room, "Oh my god [Y/N], I thought I'd lost you, I thought you wouldn't wake up, I thought...." Dan said, his hands running through your, come to think of it very greasy, hair.
"Shhhhhh!!" You say, "You're drawing attention to us!! And I'm awake now aren't I? I'm living and breathing. Although slightly pained," you add, at which point Dan hastily pulls away from you, worrying that he was causing you pain.
"They nearly cut off the life support the other day...We nearly lost you." Dan says, sitting down on the chair next to the desk.
"Why? I haven't been asleep that long have I? Don't they normally wait something like a month or so?"
"Well, yes" Dan begins, "But it had been a week, they wanted to do a scan on your side but they had to wait until you woke up so that you could give consent. You didn't show any signs of waking up and your side was just getting worse. They planned to do it yesterday, but in the morning you were restless. They decided to see how it went. Thank God you woke up [Y/N]!"
"I suppose I'm glad too. You keep mentioning my side, what's up with it?" You ask,
"Where the van hit you, it began to run over your side before it stopped moving. You ended up with two cracked ribs on your right side. The bruising didn't get better, if anything it got worse. Your stomach became bloated and the doctors feared internal bleeding. They couldn't do a scan until you woke." You look down to where your right side would be under the blankets, trying to imagine it.
"I take it that it's cut?" You ask,
"Yeah, quite badly. It's been redressed every day, the cuts are repairing now though."
"Good to know they are hygienic," you laugh, making your side hurt even more. Silence falls in the room, you can feel Dan's eyes staring at you. "This is where Alex dies you know, in one of these rooms," you say.
Hey guys!
I've been trying to make this chapter as good as I could for you! For anyone confused, the bit at the start was a flashback from when Alex died.
I can't wait to write the next chapter now!!
See you next Monday,
Bethany :) 

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