Not tonight-Chapter 18

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"You are a girl of many talents," Dan mentioned,
"Thanks," you mutter, zooming in to get rid of the horrible, I'll-focuses foliage out of shot.
"Every day you seem to have a new talent," you grin into the camera, God your mind is so warped.
'Not tonight' you thought, 'Not in my innocent family home and not in my innocent childhood childhood bedroom and especially not on Alex's special day'
"Mmmmmmm," you reply, concentrating, your hands were still shaking slightly.
You walked around the graveyard with Dan, taking photos here and there, after about half an hour you met up with  [BF/N] and Phil,
"Are you ready to go?" [BF/N] asks,
"I'm ready," you state, looking around for everyone else's opinions. Dan nods and Phil just gives you a blank look so you head toward the car that you abandoned somewhere in the car park.
On the short journey home you turn on the radio to give a little distraction to all of the busy thoughts flowing around your head, a tune of a Paso doble (Weird spelling of a dance, I know) came on, you drummed your finger against the steering wheel.
"What's for tea," [BF/N] shouts from the lounge,
"Not much," you reply "we didn't bring anything down, I either pop down to the local shop or we order pizza,"
"I think we all know the answer to that one," Phil interrupts,
"I'll get my shoes on then," you joke,
"DOMINOES!" Dan shouts, half running into the kitchen, faltering slightly then realising there was indeed no glass door there to walk in to.
"I'll find the number," you say, "I think dominoes is our only choice considering where we are,"
"You do live in the middle of no-where," Dan mutters
"Comparing to London, yes," you say, "But it isn't the most deserted place on the planet,"
"Oh well," Dan says, defeated.
"PIZZAAAAAAAA," [BF/N] yells when you put down the phone from the phone call.
It was then that you saw it, the dark figure.
It went around the corner out of sight.
You froze.
It looked so familiar.
Too familiar.
Hey guys :)
My finger is getting better now!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 7K READS!! I feel like all of my authors notes are celebrations of another 1000 reads 😂😂
If you see weird words like 'Foliage' and 'Paso doble' it is because me  Danosaurus__Rex and hannahliz17 are doing this weird challenge thing... So yeah,
Bethany :)

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