For now-Chapter 24

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"Hello Dan and Phil fireworks" Dan and Phil say in unison,
"Unless you're American," Dan says, "Then it's firecrackers,"
"Anyway," Phil interrupts, "We have a guest today, who is going to test our game for us,"
"It's me, [Y/N], [Channel/Name], person of the Internet," you wave to the camera,
"So today, we thought you could test out our new Oculus Rift for us," Dan says,
"And as we do scary games on this channel, we thought we would test your abilities," Phil carries on,
"Can you quit with the long intro please?" You laugh,
"Basically we have this virtual reality bonfire night game and we want you to test it," Dan reels off.
"Oh god, anything but fireworks!" You exclaim,
"Sorry," Dan whispers.
A few minutes later you put the mask over your eyes with a grimace,
"Guys you do remember that the two things I most hate in life are being trapped and fireworks, so this is going to be fun," you say, fully covering your eyes.
You are submerged into a world of darkness.
A world of virtuality.
The title screen popped up and you reached out to click the play button. You were in a dark field, it sounded as if no one was around.
Suddenly a source of lit in front of you, a bonfire was lit. The flames were dancing, clasping around the edges of the forfeited wood.
You move toward the bonfire, your vision got more blurred the closer you came.
You could make out something between the piles of wood and the glowing orange flames surrounding it. Your realise.
All of a sudden you grab bits of burning wood, ash flaking off and floating to the ground. The object is revealed, you clasp both hands around it and pull.
You heave the object way from the danger of the fire, the first stage is over.
You closet inspect the object. A body.
You breath in sharply, not believing what you are seeing.
The body had large gash wounds on the front, the music in your ears getting more tense.
The music comes to a halt.
You feel something on your shoulder, you fling your arm round to combat yourself from the dangers of the night.
Then it twigs.
The game.
"Oh no," you say, "oh no no no,"
You slowly take your glasses off to see Dan cradling his nose, you could see blood between his fingers,
"I'm so sorry! God, I'm sorry," you fluster, reaching for a tissue and snorting it over Dan's face.
"Well at least we know that if you were to be attacked you can defend yourself," Phil chimes in, you all laugh.
"Why did you react so much?" Dan asks,
"You couldn't see what I was seeing could you?" You ask, they shake their heads, "I had just pulled a dead body from the fire, the game was at climax and you touch my shoulder, I was blindfolded. I was going to react..." You say, grinning at him. You look at the camera.
"Well that was a complete flop. I didn't even finish the game. But, I recon you guys should play it, a multiplayer," you say, the last bit aimed at Dan and Phil.
That was how you sat for another half an hour. On the sofa bed behind Dan and Phil, watching them as they played the bonfire game. Every so often you would poke Dan or Phil in the back with a stick, the would flail around, consequently hitting the other and cussing a freak show. You were happy watching them, a small smile on your face. This wasn't how it was meant to be, this wasn't how you'd planned it. Dan wasn't supposed to see you, your head stuck between the palace gates. It was mean to be romantic, your hear flowing in the wind.
But you were happy with what you had.
There were certainly flaws, like your anxiety.
But your life was perfect.
As perfect as it could be.
For now...
Hey guys :)
Thank you for 14K reads, I have no idea what number I'm on at the moment, it goes up too quick.
I know that makes me seem big headed but seriously, I couldn't be here without you guys and I just love writing for you.
One thing I enjoy the most about writing this story is reading the comments, every single one. They make me smile all the time.
I'm nearly at my 'end of year' goal of 15K so keep reading guys!!
This word of the chapter is 'bonfire'. We were wondering what words you would like us to put into our chapters, to give you a choice, if you know what we mean :)
Well done if you have read down to here.
If you ever need anyone, message me, I'm always on Wattpad :)
Love you guys!!
Bethany :)

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