Frustration-Chapter 4

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You embrace Dan in a hug that lasts forever. Dan puts his nose against yours and stares into your [E/C]  eyes. He pecked your lips. You lean closer and he kisses you, passionately. Dan pulls you up and pushes you onto his bed, his kisses getting rougher. You hear a noise and pull away. You walk toward the door to go investigate. You walk into Phil's room, the door was ajar so you didn't bother knocking.
What you saw was then implanted into your mind forever. Phil was on top of [BF/N] pinning her down on his bed, kissing [BF/N] roughly.
You backed away, eyes wide. You bumped into Dan who was just about to walk in.
"Dan, you don't wanna go in there!" You warned. It was too late...
"OH GOD! SHIELD MY EYES! OH HOW THEY BURN!" Dan shouted, clearly scarred for life. [BF/N] and Phil quickly pulled away.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?" Dan shouted. You made eye contact with [BF/N], she just shrugged and smiled slightly. You tried to think of an excuse for bursting into Phil's room like that. You quickly ran into Dan's room and picked up a random object and returned.
"I found this in Dan's room and thought it would belong to you," you lied.
"That's where that went!" Phil exclaimed, you breathed a sigh of relief. You plan had worked. " What was you doing in Dan's room anyways?" He added.
"Ugh....." You couldn't think of a visible reply.
"And why do you look like you've been crying?"  [BF/N] asked, changing the subject.
"I, uhh, fell over!" You said as convincingly as possible "It hurt," you added.
"You're always falling over!" Phil exclaimed. True. You thought, you'd only fallen over just yesterday when you ran into the door.
[BF/N] gave you a knowing look and mouthed 'tell me later,' you half shrugged, half nodded only to realise Dan and Phil were staring at you. Dan wrapped his arms around you from behind and put his head on top of yours.
"How about tea?" Dan asked
"What about it?" You questioned
"We need some," [BF/N] and Phil commented
"How about we go to a Mexican?" You offer,
"If you're okay with that," Dan said, hugging you tighter. You gave his hand a squeeze of consent. You go and get your things before you all leave.
You hung back and walked with [BF/N] so it would look like you wasn't with Dan and Phil. You didn't want the hate to blast in your face once again. You entered Wahaca and got a table for four. You sat next to Dan and opposite [BF/N] and Phil. You was in the corner so you could easily hide if needed. Your table was also conveniently and the end of the restaurant but every time a waitress went past you flinched. Dan held your hand all through the meal under the table, which was fairly inconvenient as it was hard to eat one handed but you dealt with it because Dan was being cute. You managed to survive tea without being seen with Dan. Of course they got spotted but you just managed to pass as a traveling commuter that just happened to be behind them.
When you got back the the flat, [BF/N] and Phil went straight to Phil's room and you didn't want to interrupt or know what they were doing.
You went to Dan's room and flopped onto his bed.
"I think you should start YouTube," Dan blurted out
"What?" You asked
"You heard, I'll help you film and edit it tonight," Dan offered. You couldn't say no.
You filmed the video, refusing to have Dan in it because you didn't want to use him as a ploy for subscribers.
You edited and uploaded the video that night. It was 1AM when you decided you should probably go home to bed.
"Why don't you stay here?" Dan offered.
"I don't have anything here," you say, knowing it would be easier to go home.
"Don't worry," Dan said, he chucked yo a black t-shirt and some boxers. He silently left the room and shut the door, giving you the privacy to get changed. You opened the door once you was changed. His clothes hung off you but you liked them because they smelt of Dan. Not in a creepy way, in a cute way...
Dan hugged you, kissing you on the forehead before you both got in bed and fell asleep wrapped in his arms.

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