Monotone-Chapter 28

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You quickly go to text Dan, making sure you word everything right,
'What is your line between verbal abuse and flirting?' He reads the text straight away, you could tell he was waiting for contact for you.
'Pardon?' Dan replies,
'You can read.' You text back. You watch the bubble as he is replying but it gets cut off by an incoming call.
The voice on the other end of the line was sharp and spiky.
"Stop. You will not text your Dan. You will not use your phone. If you ring anyone, including the police, I will break down the door and kill you myself," the voice hissed down the phone.
"I'm not scared of you," you state, "My anxiety doesn't make me weak,"
"Oh no. Don't think that. Although I do pity you. Such a shame," the voice trails on.
"What do you want?" You nearly shout, getting frustrated at the caller,
"I want you. And if I don't get you, I will still have you,"
"How?" You ask, not knowing the limit on the questions.
"Remember back when you were only fifteen. I was a young lad too. Something terrible happened to your all too vulnerable friend. I was never to be seen again." The voice was monotone and dragged on.
"It was you! You raped [BF/N]!" You hissed, "You'll  never get away with it,"
"Ahh yes, they all say that, but I did. Didn't it?" He messed with your head.
"What's to say that I haven't rung the police already?" you ask
"Such a fool [Y/N], I am all knowing. Your voice, it tells me all I need to know."
"Does it so?" You ask, becoming too aware of your voice.
"So, how's that conflict with Dan going? Has he forgiven you yet?" The voice sounded curious but still alarmingly cold. Maybe Dan was right.
All of a sudden you hear a familiar voice through the other end of the phone. It was [BF/N].
"If you do anything, she'll get it. Again." The voice wheezed. [BF/N] whimpered, you guessed that the caller had pulled at her collar.
You get up from your bed and pulled a coat on.
You walked to the door, taking deep breaths. Your fingers closed around the door handle and pulled.
[BF/N] was being held up by the collar of her shirt. Her eyes showed a picture of pure terror. Her captor was a hooded figure.
"Let her go if I give myself over," you declare.
The figure jerked it's head slightly, as if to say yes.
You step towards him.
[BF/N] was released as you were grasped.
He removed his hood.
It was Jake.
Hey guys!!
I've got a goal to get 20,000 reads by the end of the year. I hope we can make it!!
I know the chapters have been a bit too short lately but the story plot is changing a lot.
I hope you are all well!
If you ever need anyone, message me.
Bethany :)

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