Pumpkin seeds-Chapter 22

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"Mornin'" you whisper to your camera, "I know it's dark and this angle is atrocious but oh well," you state. "Dan is in the other room with Phil starting the 'A day in the life of Dan and Phil at Halloween' video thingy. He'll probably be in, in a minute so I'm going to hide," you say, wriggling further under the duvet. You listen to Dan and Phil starting the vlog, then you can hear footsteps.
"Boo!" You shout, jumping out from under the covers, it didn't scare Dan one bit.
"That was an anti-climax," he states, laughing.
You lay back down pointing the camera at Dan,
"What you doing today then," you ask him,
"Well I'm coming that pumpkin video with you aren't I?" He starts, walking round to the end of the bed,
"If you're going to do what I think you are going to do, you better not do it," you warn, trying to shrink under the covers,
"I'm not going to kill you," Dan laughs,
"You might," you reason,
"Keep your arms out and your eyes open, and hold my camera please," Dan instructs,
He stands by your feet and puts his arms out, ready to fall. He leans forward onto his toes and falls. He landed on his hands, in plank position over your body. This was only so for around three seconds before he collapsed on top of you.
"Now what you going to do," you say, slightly squashed and trying to protect the cameras.
"I'm going to stay here," he mumbles, nuzzling his chin into your neck.
"Oh no you're not," you say, sliding him off you and rolling to his side of the bed. Dan gets up and takes his camera. You roll over and grab his hand before he leaves the room, "Where you going?" You ask,
"I can't stay here all day can I?" He asks,
"Ten more minutes," you plead,
"Mmmmmmmm," he says, indecisive.
"I'll make breakfast," you say,
"Deal," Dan shouts, before getting in bed.
"Dan, what do you want, I can do pancakes, fry up, omelette, eggs, the latter," you say,
"What are you having?" He asks,
"I was going to have whatever you had," you laugh,
"Why don't we have pancakes?" Dan questions, before you both get to work making the pancakes.
"When are we filming your video then?" Dan asks, whilst you were eating your pancakes.
"After this?" You question.
"Fine with me," Dan smiles.
You finish breakfast and wash up before setting up the filming equipment in the kitchen as it was the easiest place to clean up afterwards.
"Time to pumpkin carve!" You shout, whilst turning the camera on.
The video was going well. Dan had created some demon or another and was finishing the minor details whilst you had gone for one of the more traditional approaches to carving a pumpkin.
After the video had done, you started to pack away until Dan turned his vlogging camera on and decided to throw a pumpkin seed at you. This wasn't a good idea...
Your grabbed a hand full from the bucket and slopped them onto Dan's head, soon it had become a full on pumpkin seed battle that you were both vlogging and trying not to kill the cameras in the process.
"PUMPKIN SEEDS!" You shout before throwing another handful of pumpkin guts at Dan, hitting him square in the face,
"I will get pay back, and it will be sweet," Dan muttered, exiting the room to go have a shower.
You was a mess. Your hair was tangled with orange goo and you were covered in seeds. You look around the kitchen and it was chaos. You get to work cleaning and swap jobs when Dan gets out of the shower, so you can rid the smell of pumpkin from your skin.
You got out of the shower and put one of Dan's hoodies and some comfy tracksuit bottoms on before checking up on how much cleaning Dan had done.
He had finished it all and was just finding the memory card with the footage that you had filmed for the video.
"Thanks Dan," you say, hugging him,
"It's no problem, you did most of it anyway," he mentions,
"Yeah, but it's not your video is it, so you didn't have to clean it" you insisted, it was done now anyway so.
Later on that evening Dan had decided to watch another horror film as it was Halloween. You knew you shouldn't watch it (because of your anxiety) but you watched it anyways, all in the spirit of Halloween. This film didn't have too many jump scares, it was jump scares that would set off your anxiety as it is an unknown turn of events, so you could watch it with less problems. Although, you still hid from it in the warm burrow of Dan's grasp.
Hey guys :)
Here is a little Halloween themed chapter for you as it is getting really close to Halloween now!!
Bethany :)

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