Dungeon-Chapter 29

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Jake pulls you across the hallway by your collar,your hands fly toward your throat gasping for air.
"Time to meet the boy next door..." He sneers,
You grunt and let him drag you across the corridor, you were too exhausted to put up a fight.
Jake violently kicks open the door, leaving it dangerously swinging on its hinges. The room smelt damp and like mouldy food.
"You?" You should, your voice sounded hoarse as if you had been crying for hours, even though you hadn't.
He crosses the room in two long strides. You take some time to examine his face, before he always seemed somewhat handsome, his strong jawline and perfectly kept hair. He now looked unkept, stubble had grown around his chin and he had bags under his eyes.
"Strange, isn't it. What obsessions can do to you." He states, what could he be talking about?
"Look, thanks for the meeting but I'd rather be round Dan's at the moment," you say, eyeing the door.
"Ever since I first saw you, I craved you. I didn't whatever I could for you to come to me. It never worked. You are now with Dan. But what will happen if you never see your Daniel again?" He jeers, walking closer and closer to you. His warm breath sticks to your face like black treacle. You take a step back. "Not now pretty," he smiles, "you have two choices, run away-I will find you and take you to the dungeons where I will get what I want and you won't be seen again. Or you can stay here, where you will become mine forever." You know what he meant. Run and get killed, or stay and devote your life to him. Your decision was easy.
"Look, before I 'devote myself to you' can I speak to him one more time please?" You ask, stepping forward and closing the gap between you and him, your noses were almost touching, you nearly gag.
He nods, a spark lights inside of you.
"Dan, hey. This is awkward, well I'm going to say that you were right. I am with him. I'll never forget the time at Buckingham Palace," you say, "[BF/N] was at mine. Speak to her. Got to go." You say, hoping that he'll get what you mean.
Your feet guide you back to where Jake was sitting, you stand next to the armchair. You touch his arm, smirking slightly.
He gets up and leans toward you, the gap closes between you and him and he is kissing you. 'Not as good as Dan' you thought, but you kissed him back, luring him into a false sense of security. Your right hand slowly slips down to your back pocket, your fingers wrap around the contents. Making no sudden movements you draw your arm back toward your side. Closing your eyes you thrust your hand forward, stabbing him in the kidney. You sprinted out of the door, banging on your front door to alert [BF/N] if she wasn't with Phil already. You sprint down the stairs and nearly pulled the door off its hinges at the bottom. You urge your feet to move forward even though your muscles and burning and your feet are starting to drag. Your destination? Buckingham palace.
One thing is for certain: when you want to run, you can run faster.
Hey guys!!
I'd like to say, thank you so much for 20,000 reads! That was my end of year goal! I think my new goal is to update every Monday night.
Secondly, the word of the chapter thingy was 'dungeon'.
Thirdly, sorry for killing you last chapter, I couldn't help it.
And lastly, if you ever need anyone to speak to, I'm always here.
Bethany :)

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