I'm here for you now-Chapter 17

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"Dan," you say, nudging him to wake him up, "I know you are probably not the best person to ask this," you whisper
"Go on..." Dan mutters, half asleep
"What is that floating dark figure outside the room?" You reply
"WHAT THE F***!" Dan shouts, seeing the dark figure and bolting upright, grabbing you to hide behind before it disappears, fading away.
"Please say I just imagined that," Dan says, he was grabbing onto your arm and you thought you'd lost sensation in it.
"I don't think we did," you say in barley a whisper.
"What the f*** are you guys shouting about?" [BF/N] shouts, "Do I want to know?" She adds,
"Well," you reply, "If you are interested in surviving then yes..."
"W..why?" She stuttered
"Oh, you know, the usual, a f***ing dark figure floating by," you shout.
"You must have imagined it," she says, sounding really bored
"We both saw it," you defend.
"All right, all right, but if any of us get murdered, it's not my fault..." You half-heartedly joke, it was a few hours until the morning, you could then do a full investigation.
You woke up in the morning from a really bad sleep, you got up and went downstairs to sort out breakfast, slipping your slippers on before you left the room. (A/N: To the person who used to live in a bungalow... Forget I said anything about stairs :) ) Shortly after having made your breakfast, [BF/N] came trudging down the stairs.
"What was all of that shiz about last night?" She murmured, shuffling into the kitchen to make breakfast.
"We saw a dark figure.." You say, adamant on what you saw, "it was definitely there!"
"Yeah right..."
"I'll prove it," you say, determined to prove yourself right.
It was Alex's death day today and you wanted to go down to the local graveyard where he was buried, you didn't want this... Thing... To get in the way.
***-Time skippppppppppppp
"Let's go!" You say, before jumping in the drivers seat of the car,
"All in," Dan mentions before you pull out of the drive. (A/N: Sorry to those without drives!) It was around a two or three minute drive to the local church and graveyard.
"Dan and Phil, I challenge you, who can find Alex first?" You say before pulling into the car park.
"Me!" Phil says confidently before getting out of the car and striding confidently into the graveyard before realising he has no idea where he is.
"Wait for me! That's unfair!" Dan shouts, almost falling out of the car in such a hurry.
You get out of the car and begin to walk to Alex with [BF/N]. He was in the very far corner of the graveyard beside your old family that was lucky enough to be buried there.
You stood in front of Alex's grave with [BF/N] beside you, your head bowed, remembering all of the great times you had together until the thing happened. Sometimes you wished you could turn back time and change events but after all, if something wasn't to happen truthfully no-one would be truly happy.
The past is behind you now.
Dan walked up to you and linked his hands with yours, your fingers intertwined.
"I found him first," Dan whispers, making you smile although you were hiding it.
"Where's Phil?" [BF/N] asked Dan
"I lost him somewhere, he was looking at all of the graves one by one, I just thought I'd follow you," Dan mentioned matter-of-factly.
You knelt down to put the flowers down by the headstone of the grave, whilst you were down there you rubbed the dust off the name of the grave. A single tear fell down your cheek. You busied yourself, fussing about with the weeds,
"I'll leave you, Phil's probably really lost by now," said [BF/N], any excuse would have worked.
"I know it's hard," Dan mutters, crouching down beside you,
"I never wanted this to happen," you said, staring a watery-eyed stare into Dan's brown eyes.
"Today was going to be difficult," Dan said, tucking some hair behind your ear, "I'm here for you now,"
You go to say something but no words come out, instead you just tuck your head onto Dan's shoulder.
After about five minutes Dan rose and so did you, he took your hand once again before starting to walk you around the graveyard, he knew you had you camera and once you had come back to your senses, he knew there would be a lot of really good photo opportunities...
First things first, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 6K READS!!
I'm so sorry I haven't updated in about a week, I've been quite busy.
My finger is healing and fingers crossed (not literally 😂) I'll be writing a lot more.
Thanks so much to Danosaurus__Rex  for mentioning my story in her A/N at the end of her latest chapter! It means so much. You should go check her out, she is on her third story at the moment.
Please message me if you need someone to talk to,
Bethany :)

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