Surprise-Chapter 50

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You walk into your flat after a long day at the office in constant meetings, collapsing onto your bed for a few minutes seems like heaven. You walk into your bedroom and you see a box with a note placed on top.

"Meet outside yours at six, wear what's in the box :)" you read the note aloud to yourself. You gently lift the lid off the box, revealing a dark blue fabric. Holding the cloth in front of you, the fabric cascades down to the floor.

You sigh inwardly at Dan's generosity, before putting the dress on. Turning round, you look at yourself in the mirror. The dress is truly stunning, it is made of dark blue fabric that goes all the way down to your feet. The top part fits your figure perfectly and has shiny gems across it. The skirt flows perfectly from the body, with a chiffon-esc look about it.

The box also contains a pair of simple, dark blue pumps that you slip on your feet. Prancing around your bedroom at this moment in time didn't seem the most mature thing to do, but it sure is fun. Your skirt fanned out when you spun, making you look like one of those Disney princesses that you watched as a child.

Eventually you turned and walked out of the door, ready to meet Dan. You meet him at the bottom of the steps,

"May I take your hand?" Dan asks mockingly, bowing down to you as you appear through the door.

"Of course," you say, grinning from ear to ear.

I'm still working on my Newt X Reader as I just keep editing each chapter a lot :/
Next chapter should be up soon-ish though!!
Bethany :)

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