Like a lifetime-Chapter 3

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"Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!" You shout running up the stairs with the Dominoes in your hand.
"Yay", you hear Dan shout from the lounge, a flurry of footsteps follow. In your excitement to eat the pizza you miss the last step and trip up it. Conveniently Dan, Phil and [BF/N] had run toward the prospect of pizza. Phil dived to grab the pizza and so did [BF/N] , and Dan thankfully caught you.
"Your jumper is so soft," Dan remarked. Placing you on your feet.
"Thanks," you say, recovering from your trip.
You go to the lounge to eat your pizza that [BF/N] and Phil caught. After enjoying your pizza, Phil suggested that "we watch a movie."
"Ok," you replied. Phil placed 'Saw' into the DVD slot. You hadn't signed up to watch a horror movie. [BF/N] gave you a knowing look, you replied with a nervous smile. You proceed to watch the movie, Dan flinching by your side every so often.
The film ended and you found yourself wrapped in Dan's arms, your head snuggled into his chest not looking at the screen.
[BF/N] coughed awkwardly staring at you. You untangled yourself from Dan making some excuse about 'going to the toilet.' [BF/N] followed you in to the kitchen.
"what........the..........hell?" She asked
"I don't like horror movies, you know that!" You say, blushing slightly.
"Yeah, but!" [BF/N] insisted. You disregarded her, walking back into the lounge. It was time for Dan's live show.
"Do you want me to make you a hot chocolate? You ask, trying to be helpful,
"Yes please.....we will see who is better at making hot chocolate now. You or Phil." He comments.
You grin and go make the hot chocolate for all of you. You made the hot chocolate and brought it into Dan's room. You rapped neatly on the door before entering, placing the cup in front of Dan,
"Thanks," he said gratefully, giving you a goofy smile, you smile back, gazing into his eyes until you realise. Dan's live show. You moved you gaze to the comments. All you could see was a sea of hate, 'who's that?' And 'she's ugly'. Tears fill your eyes and you leave without another word. You burst into Phil's room interrupting whatever they were talking about by giving them their hot drinks. You quickly turn around to go get yours, covering up your face as much as possible.
You didn't go back into Phil's room with [BF/N], you just sat, slumped against the wall next to Dan's door. You knew the would've seen you going too and thro with the drinks, but you also knew that the picture quality wasn't good enough to see you crying.
You listen to Dan's live show, he tasted your hot chocolate,
"[Y/N], you drink's really good by the way!"
"Thanks,"you shout back, your voice cracking and going weak.
"What's wrong?" He shouts back, concern riddled in his voice. You knew. This whole thing was on the live show. Everyone hates you. Even though nothing is going on between you and Dan, they still hate you. You begin to panic,
"Nothing..." You half sob before running to the lounge. You curl up in the corner of the sofa, crying into it, your phone buzzes. It was Dan.
"Come to my room,"
"No, I can't," you replied. You didn't want to. Not to be seen by he live show anyways.
"Why?" He text back almost instantly,
"The live show," you replied. You knew it was blunt, but you couldn't deal with explanations right now.
"Come in! Just hide in the corner for a bit." He insisted
"Fine," you replied and moved to Dan's room.
You walked in without knocking, or looking at the screen, and found yourself a comfy spot in the corner of he room out of shot from the YouNow. You listened to the last bit of the show. Dan ended his broadcast.
"What's up?" Dan asked,
"They hate me,"
"Who hates you?"
"Your fans, I come in here to give you a drink and they lash out at me!" You sob,
"It's fine," he said, wrapping his arms around you and letting your head rest on is shoulder. "Some of them will always be like that, they are only protecting their ships. Others will get used to it though," Dan sighed,
"What do you mean by 'get used to it'?" You asked, face close to his, looking him in the eyes.
"[Y/N], I know I've only known you for two days, but it seems like a lifetime and I want to preserve that." He pushed you away slightly so he could look you straight in the eye. "What I mean is...will you be my girlfriend?"
This made you burst into more tears, but more tears of joy.

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