Never to return-Chapter 13

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"Yeah...uh you soon...bye," you say, on the phone to your hopefully soon-to-be editor.
She wanted to meet you and read some of the story you'd written.
You spent the half an hour it took her to arrive getting all of your bits together in the office.
You heard a knocking on the door and froze. Dan opened the door and was talking to her. You stand up straight and almost fly down the stairs, (thank god for banisters!)
"Hello, I'm [Y/N]," you say, holding your hand out when you first saw her. This was the most sociable thing you had managed to do in your life without somehow failing. Elizabeth was fairly tall and had a petite structure. Her hair was dark brown and long, cascading down her shoulders. She had square framed, black glasses that suited her face shape.
"Hello, I'm Elizabeth Reynolds, you can call me Liz," she said, shaking your hand. Her voice was gentle and calming, friendly.
You spent the rest of the day with Liz, she loved your story and you chatted about how to further improve your writing style.
You spent the evening with your head and Dan's lap with him playing with your hair. Your feet were being squashed as [BF/N] had decided to flop onto the end of the sofa, not caring that she was practically breaking your ankles in the process.
You went to bed early leaving Dan, Phil and [BF/N]  in the lounge watching some horror movie, you had thought it best not to look at all and just scroll through tumblr. The ear piercing screams were a bit distracting though...
***(Time skip brought to you by Dil)
It was darkness.
You couldn't see as you heard a screech of rubber.
A flurry of light passes momentarily as you feel like you're falling.
Down. Never to return.
You feel a sharp jolt as searing pain rips at your neck.
You scream out.
Reaching forward.
They weren't there, you was alone.
You shout out, screaming their names.
You wrath about, trying to free yourself.
You hear distant screams, your name.
They were calling your name.
Then you remembered.
Oooohh, cliffhanger. Bet you hate me now! Oh well, you are just going to have to wait, but I know. Unless you track me down and hold a knife to my throat, I'm not telling. (Also, sorry it's really short, it was just the perfect place to finish the chapter.)
Bethany x

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