The voice-Chapter 35

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Time passed as you finalised your last draft of your book. Lizzie had started coming round more often, but you guessed it was just to speed the process of making the book up. You'd spent the majority of the morning sitting next to Dan in bed, putting together some photos on photoshop to show Lizzie later on.
"What have you got to do today?" Dan asks, linking his fingers in yours, making it really hard to edit.
"Lizzie is coming round at four but nothing until then," you say, trying to sift through your mental notes of what you were supposed to do today.
"Lizzie has been round here so often recently," Dan mumbles under his breath,
"I know, I think she is only trying to help," you reply, squeezing his hand.
"Do you want to play Mario Kart before then?" Dan asks,
"Just because you want to beat me," you tease,
"No!" Dan whines, "Phil is busy doing something with [BF/N] today and I want to play a game,"
"It's on." You say, flashing him a cheeky grin before returning to your edit.
It was a few hours later and you and Dan had played too many rounds of Mario Kart to remember. You had spent so long playing it that you noticed that Dan's leg tensed when he went around a corner and you could get in his way. He did beat you a few times, but you believed all of the times you played it as a child with Alex was practice for this. After a few more games with you winning, Dan turned to you.
"Want to film a video?" He asks, leaning towards the Mac,
"What game?" You ask,
"I'm not saying," Dan smirks, tying a scarf around your head-covering your eyes.
"Dan, I know I'm supposed to trust you and all," you say, just after you hear him shuffle in front of you and mutter something along the lines of 'recording'. "I don't like being blindfolded,"
"I know," he says, making you jump as he sounded so close to you, "all I'm going to do is launch the game, so you don't see all of the title screens,"
"This better not be a horror game," you say, hearing a slight chuckle emitting from Dan.
After around 5 minutes Dan removed your blindfold. You blinked a few times to adjust to the light before looking at the screen. You knew what it was straight away.
"Dan, this isn't a good idea..."
"What?" He asks,
"We are both pathetic around jump scares, why are we playing Until Dawn?" You ask,
"Phil won't play it until spooky week and that's like ten months away," Dan moans,
"Okay okay, but if I fall off this chair and crack my head open... It's not my fault," you say, laughing slightly,
"Alright!" Dan laughs,
It was a few hours later and Dan had just turned the camera off, you had survived the first episode better than Dan had as he was jumping at the birds flying overhead and at the grass that moved by the characters feet.
As he was flitting around the office, sorting out the equipment you grabbed his hand and pulled him down toward you. You bit your lip, looking into Dan's deep brown eyes. He leant toward you and you closed the gap, energy building up in  you. Your bodies moved rhythmically together and the kiss deepened. His hands were running through your hair as you realised you didn't know what to do with yours, they felt slightly like awkward extra limbs that just get in the way. His hands lowered to your waist, he was tugging at the bottom of your t-shirt.
You heard a loud bang as the door presumably hit the wall behind it.
"Phil let me in," said a familiar voice.
The voice you loathed right now.
UNTIL DAWN AND CHILL-(with less chill)
Hello :)
Thanks for not killing me after not updating last week, it was very hectic!! (Exams)
I'm sorry this chapter is a bit later than usual, my cat slept on my iPad for about half an hour...
***After reading this through, I forgot I was meant to use the word pentagram in this chapter!! Sorry.***
Thanks for reading.
If you ever need anyone, I'm always here.
Bethany :)

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