As long as I'm here-Chapter 20

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It was a few hours since you had arrived back at the flats in London, you went to your flat to film your next video for your channel. You had decided to tell your story about anxiety, you felt it would help your viewers that also suffer from anxiety and it would help you by opening out and not having to hide anything. You felt slightly odd, crossing the road various times with different filming bits of equipment. The lights were definitely the most awkward, dragging them up the stairs.
After you had finished the video you uploaded the footage onto your laptop before going back to Dan's flat to edit it.
"Dan?!" You shout, shutting the door behind you.
"Yeah," you hear him shout from the office.
"I'm stealing your horned hoodie, I'm in the lounge," you inform him, before pulling the jumper on and finding a comfy spot on the sofa and proceeding to edit your video.
Later on that evening, Dan slumped down beside you. This was your chance.
You pulled out your earbuds and turned off the TV, a man had recently died of asphyxiation, the news was everywhere.
"Dan, when Livvie and Porche were alive," you comment, "Did you date Livvie?" You question,
"Y...yeah," he answers, uncertain of what he was agreeing to.
"Did you know Porche that well?"
"Sort of," he replies,
"Did Porche have a boyfriend?" You carry on,
"I think so.... Maybe," he says. Just the answer you wanted.
"Great!" You exclaimed, Dan looked at you weirdly because how on earth could this conversation be great?
You pull up a photo of Alex and his past girlfriend from his old Facebook to show Dan.
"Is this Porche?" You say,
Dan takes your phone from you hand to look more closely,
"Yes. Yes it is," he says,
"It's a small world, isn't it?" You laugh slightly.
You heard a crash, a bang and then a slight yelp, you knew that voice.
You rolled over and checked you phone, it was half one in the morning.
You got up and out of bed, accidentally waking Dan in the process of pulling his jumper over your head.
"Dan, don't follow me. Don't let Phil follow either," you say, warning him.
You half-run half-fall into the lounge where you find [BF/N] sitting in the corner of the room, shaking like a nervous wreck, this was normally you.
You knew this would happen some day, her relationship with Phil was getting too strong.
You crouch down beside her, putting your arms around her and letting her cry into your shoulder.
"I'm here, what happened?" You say , fairly quietly.
"I was in Phil's bedroom and..." [BF/N] started,
"Actually," you say, "I am listening but I don't want you to go into detail," you chuckle, she does too.
"Well.... You know.....Something happened.......All I could see was him....and what happened that night," she sobs slightly, it must've been so hard for her.
"Look," you say, "He's gone now, for all we know he's in Switzerland. He's probably further than that now,"
"I know but it just doesn't feel right, whenever I'm with Phil it feels like he's watching me," [BF/N] stutters.
"I can't wave a magic wand and make everything better, and I feel so awful that this happened and is happening to you. I just hope you know that I'll be here for you, whenever you need it," you whisper, looking straight into her eyes.
"I know it will be hard, but if you go through the rest of your life worrying about him and not your life, you are going to be old, sad and lonely. It's also going to be a problem for Phil as well if you know what I mean" you smile at her.
"I guess you're right, but I just can't help flipping out, even though it isn't being forced upon me this time," she says, calming a little,
"As long as I'm here, that stupid imbecile of a man won't come within the radius of 2 countries from you, and if he does, I'll kick him all the way to Australia, gaining more momentum as we go," you say, she was starting to smile now.
"What about Phil?" She asks, she's always thinking of others,
"Look, I'll go make you a hot chocolate, my specialty, and then I'll go give them a briefing to be continued at a later time as it is a ridiculous time in the morning at the moment," you laugh, "is that OK with you?"
[BF/N] nods and you go to make her hot chocolate. Your next conversation was probably going to be your worst one yet.
You go into Phil's room where you found both of the boys sitting anxiously on Phil's bed,
"Look, I don't exactly know how to word this," you say "Phil, please don't freak out..."
"When [BF/N] was around 15 she was raped..."
Dun dun dunnnnnnn
More information and detail (not weird don't worry) to come in the next chapter.
My goal is 10K reads which means I only need 1110 reads to go!!
For those of you wondering the challenge words from the last chapter were Phantom, incandescent and inattentive.
I put two challenge words in this chapter.
Bethany :)

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