Anonymous-Chapter 27

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You roll over onto your side.
It didn't feel right.
The bed wasn't comfortable.
The posters on the walls seemed intrusive.
The empty gap where Dan should be felt cold.
Your phone buzzed making a remarkably loud sound on your bedside table. You reached through the dark and fumbled around you bedside cabinet to find your phone. The contact showed up in bold writing, the text underneath it.
'Meet me outside the London Dungeons. Or I'll do to you what happened to your poxy little friend.' It read. You unlocked your phone, re-reading over the text.
'How will you find me?' You fingers flew over the letters, quickly typing the message.
'Oh don't worry, I'll find you.' The message was received quickly. 'And don't go running to your Danny boy either.'
'How will you stop me?' You sent it before thinking. You'd gone too far.
'I'm outside your flat. Right. Now.' The reply was blunt and sharp. Your heart picked up and your head snapped in the general direction of the front door.
Hey guys!! It's me!
How is your Saturday or whatever day you are reading this?? Hope you are well.
Sorry for killing you after this chapter. I know it's short.
Trying to get 20,000 reads by new year and that is SUCH a big number!!
Thanks for reading,
Message me if you ever need anyone,
Bethany :)

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