Production-Part 47

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"I'm leaving now," you shout into the hallway, your car keys rattling in your right hand. It was time to get your book into the production line, even if it did mean working with Lizzie.

"What time will you be back?" Dan shouts back,

"I don't know, depends how long I can go without punching Lizzie in the face." You huff, before turning and walking down the road to your car.

The drive to the office didn't take long. The closer you got, the more dread you felt about meeting Lizzie and having to work with her.

Walking over the premises of the office sets a casting shadow of disaster in your mind. You push open the door to the back stairs, opting to climb a few flights rather than use the lift.

You enter the room where your meeting was to take place. You see a few people inside and instinctively duck your head down, letting your hair cover your face.

You find your seat, sitting opposite Lizzie. Just great.

"Ah, [Y/N], Dan hasn't got bored of you yet I see?" She hisses.

Yes I know this is a day late, I was up A&E all of last night and had a half cast on so I couldn't write. I now have a splint on and wrote this with one finger so that's why it's so short and has about 1000 typos.
I may have fractured a bone below my thumb, will find out in two weeks...
I know lots of you expect me to update on Mondays, if I don't it's for a proper reason. I won't just not update because I've had enough.
Hope you have a great week,
Bethany :)

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