Every step-Chapter 42

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The hospital bed creaks as you roll over, pulling the sheet further over you. You'd woken up but you didn't know the time as there wasn't a clock that was visible in the dim light of the morning. The nurse had helped you put your laptop and phone down last night, when the lights went out.

You thought about trying to lean over the side of your bed to reach your phone, but the pain in your side pulled you back to your senses. You resorted to staring at the ceiling, wondering how long it would be until the sound of the nurses shoes filled the halls, and the receptionist's phone came to life.

You decided it must be at least six in the morning as you could see the sun rays trying to break through the blinds and light up the room. The ceiling was made up of several square tiles; they had lines on them so you spent time staring intently at the lines, trying to make pictures with them.

"Good morning [Y/N], is there anything you need?" The short plump nurse said, pulling you out of your trance. She fiddled around with the clipboard at the end of your bed, changing the papers over.

"Uhh, yes, do you mind passing me my laptop and phone please? I couldn't quite reach it and I didn't want to break the bed struggling," you chuckle awkwardly.

"Sure," she said, passing you your possessions and giving you a warm smile - a smile that spread to the eyes. "What would you be wanting for breakfast today?" She asks.

"I'll have [Enter breakfast choice] please," you say, smiling back at her before she walks out of the room, the sound of her heels echoing through the hallway.

You wait until the door completely shuts before looking at your phone screen: '7:46' it read. Underneath you could see several messages from Dan,

11:49PM Dan: 'Night :)'

12:24PM Dan: 'I take it you're asleep. I can't sleep.'

1:57AM Dan: 'I'm forcing myself to sleep now.'

7:34AM Dan: 'I'm awake this early? What time does the ward open?'

You decide to text him back,
7:47AM [Y/N]: 'I've been awake for a while but only just got to my phone. The nurses come in at 7:30AM ready for an 8:00AM change over. I'm not too sure about visiting times :('

7:48AM Dan: 'I'll try to be up there about 9:30AM ish, don't do anything stupid whilst I'm not there...'

7:50AM [Y/N]: 'Dan, who do you take me for? What on earth can I get up to whilst stuck in this slightly uncomfortable bed in this white prison of a hospital room? :)'

7:50AM Dan: 'Knowing you, you can sit in bed an accidentally cause a nuclear explosion in a different continent. You are competing with Phil with clumsiness for goodness sake!'

7:52AM [Y/N]: 'Even though I could trip and accidentally cause the world to end, you love me really :)'

7:53AM Dan: '[Y/N], that is why I love you :)'

7:55AM [Y/N]: 'I would say the same to you, but I somehow don't think you've ever fallen from standing still and broken your arm!'

7:55AM Dan: 'No, I can't say I have...'

7:57AM [Y/N]: 'Well, I love you for other reasons then :)'

7:58AM Dan: 'I'll be up soon, scroll through tumblr or do something interesting, instead of just staring at the ceiling.'

8:00AM [Y/N]: 'What? How?......You know me too well!'

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