And this?-Chapter 34

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"And what is this?" Dan questioned, picking up the third piece of make-up in the last minute.
"That's bronzer," you state.
"Ahh yes, because I totally know what this does," he replies sarcastically. This is why you don't do your make-up in front of boys or toddlers.
"You put it where the sun would naturally hit or make your face more tanned; or for me, everywhere because I seem to be the most pale human to rome this earth." You say, trying not to poke yourself in the eye with your mascara.
"Your not that pale," Dan insists,
"I had to go to a different range of foundation because the palest shade made me look orange!" you exclaim.
"Fair enough," Dan fall to his defeat.
"You're filming with Phil today, aren't you?" you ask,
"Yeah, why?"
"Lizzie is coming round, she's finished the editing of my last chapter, we need to go through everything,"
"Okay" Dan says, kissing you on the forehead before leaving the room.
You go into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat before Lizzie arrives at two in the afternoon. You walk into the lounge and sit down next to Dan's sofa crease. Your laptop is cold against your legs, the thermal heating broke a few days ago so it's like a sauna in most parts of the house. You open up Wattpad and begin writing a new chapter on your Dan x reader, it wasn't long before Lizzie buzzed the intercom, wishing to enter. You closed your laptop and walked to the door and waited until Lizzie knocked at the door.
"Hello Lizzie, long time no see," you say, reminiscing over some recent past events.
"Yes it has been," Lizzie comments, passing over into the threshold, her eyes scanning the hallway, "Where is Dan?"
"What do you mean?" The words burst from your mouth before thinking twice about it.
"Where is Dan?" Lizzie repeats her question, clearly trying to look past you.
"He's filming with Phil, it's none of your business anyway," you say, scanning over Lizzie. Her attitude has changed.
"Okay, okay, let's get editing," her silky voice seems to carry through the air effortlessly.
She follows you through to the lounge where you had spread out printed versions of each chapter. On the left of the coffee table was the first draft, scribbles and hi-lighter scrawled all over it. You had typed up all of the alterations and printed it out again, ready for Lizzie's curly handwriting to plague the crisp white sheets of paper.
You spent most of the afternoon together editing the pages once more, a very tedious but rewarding task. The only regret was that you were going to have to type up all of the changes again.
At around six in the evening Lizzie reluctantly left the flat, waving behind her and, as far as you could tell, she couldn't keep her too perfect eyes off Dan.
Hello :)
I'm sorry this is also a bit short, I've been revising all night so far :/
I might not update next week as I've got exams all week.
Good luck to Danosaurus__Rex who, as far as I know, hasn't revised yet and probably won't revise :)
She doesn't need it though. She can not revise and get everything right :|
This is kind of a filler chapter..
If you ever need anyone, I'm here.
Bethany :)

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