I care-Chapter 37

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You collapse in a heap on your bed. The air felt different and the room felt lighter compared to Dan's room. Your walls were cream as that was how they came when you moved in. Most of your furniture was white and so was the bed. The posters and pictures lingering around your mirror felt like they were bearing into you. The eyes of your friends and family dancing around the frame of the mirror. Your eyes scanned the room, falling on your bookshelf; the best part of the room. The brightly coloured spines of the books stood out in your plain room. The books ordered by emotional attachment, with some books piled on top of others because there wasn't enough room. You thought about opening one of the books again, you haven't read in a while as you have been too wrapped up in writing and YouTube. However, you don't feel in the mood to read. You realise that you don't really feel in the mood to do anything. You felt  numb inside, the place where Dan normally sits is empty.
You drag yourself to the remote and turn the TV on, the Sherlock theme begins playing quietly in the background. You shuffle down into the warm depths of your pillows.
A few hours later you hear your phone buzz from the dressing table on the other side of the room. You glance toward it, wondering if the text would be of any importance as you were so comfortable. Your phone buzzed again, and again until it became annoying. You huffed before getting up and reaching toward your phone.
It was Dan.
Your stomach fluttered a little but you hated yourself for it. It was clear he wanted to be with Lizzie now.
You looked at the string of texts anyway.
'Where are you?'
'[Y/N], stop scaring me. Where are you.'
Another text popped up,
'I know you've read this. Where are you?'
You begin to reply but nothing seems right, you delete the current message and let your fingers dance above the keyboard for a bit.
'Why would you care?' You end up replying, more blunt than you expected.
The bubble showed up on the bottom left corner of you phone. It disappeared. It came back again. He was obviously having the same wording issues as you. The text finally arrived, it was as blunt as yours.
'Because I care.'
You read it over and over again. Each time it sounded more sarcastic.
'You didn't earlier' You reply quickly before even thinking about it.
'What do you mean?' He replied, was he messing you about?
'I saw you earlier with Lizzie.' You didn't want to go into detail.
'[Y/N]! You think that I was kissing her?' This is ludicrous now.
'That is what it looked like to me!' You reply back in spite.
'She came on to me! Surely you saw my reaction?'
'Yeah, I saw you kissing her back.' His reply took longer this time. You became annoyed at the absence of texts to answer.
'Look [Y/N], I do care so much about you. I wish you were there to see my reaction.'
'What happened to her?' You say, your inquisitive side taking over...
'Why don't you come over, it's a bit of a long story...' You want to know what happened so bad.
'I'll be over soon.'
You pull a coat on as you can hear the rain beating against the windows. You pull open the door to the outside, it was already dark.
You look to cross the road and begin to cross, shielding your face from the worst of the wind.
Suddenly you hear a screech of tyre on wet tarmac and a horrifying pain tear at your side. You fall to the ground, your clothes absorbing the wet. You hear a muffled voice shouting your name and what you thought was a car door slam. You see some figures in the dark and you struggle against all of your will to close your eyes.
You couldn't do it.
You let your eyes close after your last effort.
How are you all?
Have a longer chapter. I feel really bad after last weeks update :/
If you ever need anyone, contact me.
Bethany :)

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