The game-Chapter 32

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Your eyes slowly open as you acclimatise to your surroundings. You felt the pocket knife dig into your side and your heart skipped a beat. Dan was laying in front of you, his arms somehow wrapped around you that meant you couldn't wriggle out. Eventually you relaxed in his arms and leant towards him.
"How are you feeling?" he mutters,
"Better, thanks," you reply, wondering what was wrong. Then it hit you. How could you forget.
"Did anyone find him?" You say, as if to be casual, even though the words ripped at your skin.
"I think," Dan murmurs, "They took him to the nearest A&E"
"Good," you say, relaxing a little.
You sit up, opening up your laptop,
"Hey, I need to film for tonight's video, do you mind helping me?"
"Sure, what is it?" Dan replies,
"Well, let's say Phil is going to be a bit shocked," you reply. You'd wanted to film this prank for a while but you needed to wait for a day that Dan and Phil were shooting a gaming video to get the opportunity.
You briefed Dan about what you were going to do, controlling what happens on the computer screen from your laptop and ending it with a jump scare and you jumping out from behind him. You sorted out the MacBook screen to tie it to yours and the cameras were set up. [BF/N] was to do everything on the computer and you folded yourself in a way that you fitted under the flip out bed. Dan handed you a go pro that you put around your head. Everyone was set.
You just felt sorry for the fans, they will not expect this coming in their next Dil video.
After much messing around, Dan and Phil started filming the video. Phil didn't take long to notice some strange things going on in the game,
"I keep seeing creepy faces instead of the sims," Phil said, nudging Dan in the elbow,
"You are probably seeing things, it's not spooky week Phil!" Dan exclaims every time he says this.
After about 15 minutes of filming you see the screen black out. This was your turn.
You reach out for Phil's ankle and arm, dragging him down. He yelps and tries to fling himself free of your grasp.
"[Y/N]!" He splutters, "you scared the living daylights out of me!"
"And he still doesn't swear!" Dan laughs,
"This is war you know," Phil states, "I am the prank master, I will not be defeated," his speech is aimed at both you and Dan.
"Okay," you grin, "me and Dan versus you and [BF/N]"
"The on."
Hey guys!!
I know it's later than usual, I forgot that it was a Monday and I didn't have anything prepared!
Typical me that is!!
Anyway, I can't wait to write out some pranks! If you have any prank ideas please feel free to comment them or private message me!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS! (If I don't post before Friday which I'm likely not to)
I hope you get all you want for Christmas.
Message me if you ever need anyone.
Bethany :)

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