The one-Chapter 26

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You lace your fingers with Dan's as you walk down the street, your boots making a hollow clapping sound every stride you took. You looked at the beautiful scenery as you passed, wishing you had your camera on you.
The four of you reached the nearest Nando's.
"Table for four, uhh under '[L/N]'?" You ask, having no clue what you are supposed to be saying.
"Yes, over here," the waitress guides you. She had jet black hair curled round into a smart bun.
When you get to the table Dan pulls out the chair for you. You sit down curtly, smiling your thanks toward Dan. The waitress deals out the menus and leaves giving you and Dan and [BF/N] and Phil a, what you thought was a, wistful grin.
You waited at the tables whilst the others went up to the fizzy drinks dispenser one by one. You went up last after Dan, and saw a figure looming.
He was tall and olive skinned.
His dark hair was tousled and looked as if he'd just got up.
But you recognised him.
You approached him, near the drinks dispenser.
"Hey... [Y/N], isn't it?"
"Yeah," you reply, "You're Jake, aren't you?" You grin.
"It's a small world," he says.
"So, how are you? It's been some years since sixth form," you ask.
"I'm good thanks, nice job, my business is blooming," he smiles, proud of his achievements.
"That's great!" You exclaim.
"So, who's that on the corner with you?" He says, nodding to your table.
"Oh, that's [BF/N], Dan and Phil," you say,
"Dan and Phil, huh, how'd you get the luck to meet them?"
"To be honest, I have no idea!" You laugh, "I was at Buckingham Palace, shortly after I moved in. They just happened to be there too!"
"Lucky you. So your his girlfriend now?" He asks, you detected a slight drop in his voice. But you don't speak at all, it all still seems so surreal, especially when someone else says it.
"Uhhhhh, yeah," you say, smiling brightly. You couldn't help but notice a change in his attitude. He shuffled his feet.
"So, I'll see you around?" He asks,
"I'll text you," you reply, "that's if your number is the same?" You question. He nods slightly, before peering over your shoulder at your table, where they were all in deep conversation. You couldn't help but notice that one voice was missing.
You quickly grabbed some drink before returning back the the table with Dan, Phil and [BF/N]. Dan gave you a stern look before staring at his twitter feed. Phil and [BF/N] were talking about anything and everything. You couldn't help but feel excluded.
The rest of the meal was spent in an awkward silence, the scraping of knives against the plates was the only sound that filled your ears. You walked out of the restaurant after having payed. Once you were out of everyone's earshot, you got hailed.
"What was that about?" Dan almost shouts at you,
"What?" You ask, hating seeing him like this.
"You bloody know what I'm talking about," he replies.
"Jake?" You question, what was wrong with him?
"He was chatting you up." He stated,
"NO HE WASN'T!" You almost shout, he was your friend, wasn't he?
"And you were letting him," he replies.
"HE WAS NOT CHATTING ME UP." You state, it was just a catch up.
"Who the hell is he then?" He asks,
"Jake. He was my friend from sixth form," you reason.
"He was eying you up," he seethes. Jealously, you thought. Jake was only a friend to you.
"Fine. If that's how you put it. But he will never be any relation to me." You state, "I don't like him like that. I don't like him like I like you."
"Yeah right," he scoffs.
All of a sudden a crowd of girls come pelting toward you and Dan from every angle. Oh god. You breath in and out, feeling the terrifyingly common tightness on your throat and chest. It's not going.
"Dan," you whisper, trying not to let the panic show in your voice, "I need you. I need you now,"
His hand fell down to his side and found yours. Your fingers laced with his in a tight bond. You instantly relaxed a little.
One thing you did deduct was:
He still cares.
I've only gone and done it! Major plot twist, who was expecting that? I certainly wasn't!!
I know that most of my regular readers are thinking, 'oh my god another update, she only updated on Saturday!' And I do know that. I normally update on Mondays but I felt like updating early, then today I felt like I couldn't neglect my routine!
You guys are crazy! By that I mean that I hit 15,000 reads on Saturday and I've already got 15,600 reads!
If you ever need anything or someone to talk to, I'm always here. Just message me.
Thanks so much for reading, I admire you if you've read through my blabbering up to here!
Bethany :)

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