One last hope-Chapter 31

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You collapse on the sofa as soon as you get to Dan and Phil's flat. Phil greets you with a gratified smile and a warm latte. You give him a thankful smile and and small nod of the head. The past events of the night had drained you and you felt too weak for your own good. Dan sat next to you and you buried yourself into his warmth. The events of the night kept playing over and over in your mind like a tape on constant loop. Every time you went over the memory, a wave of anxiety washed over you like a tsunami hitting a village. You wanted to tell Dan, he was your one last hope.
"Dan. This is going to sound bad," you scarcely whisper.
"What?" He asks,
"When I was with, him," your breath hitches as you can't say his name, "he may or may not have kissed me."
"Where is this going?" Dan asks, shifting his position to see you better,
"I may or may not have accidentally stabbed him," you say, a small grin pulling at the edges of your lips. Dan's face relaxed a little,
"Well I suppose it's great to know that you would stick up for me," Dan jokes, you hit him.
"This isn't a laughing matter!" You say, hitting him with a pillow.
"I mean, well, will he be likely to survive?" He questions, his eyes locking on yours. The anxiety floods over you again, hitting you harder than the last time. The question you had been dreading. Your hands went clammy and your throat felt like it was being squashed by a fist.
"I never meant to hurt him," you squeak, "I needed to get away," you stopped fighting the nerves and let the body racking shakes take over. Every limb was shaking, the breathlessness over took and it felt like the room was collapsing in on you. Everything in the room was staring at you, suddenly too invasive. As the light shone too bright and the radio was too loud, you closed your eyes. For once, you gave up. You had lost. It had overtaken you.
Bethany!! IT IS TOO SHORT!!
Yes, yes I know. It would be longer if I didn't have my cat sitting on me for an hour. I couldn't write. :/
But here you go. Why am I always writing about panic attacks??
Oh well.
I'm blabbing.
Thanks to everyone that is still reading this,
If you ever need anyone, I'm here.
Bethany :)

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