I needed to help-Chapter 21

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"So what did you say happened?" Dan asks, when you plonk yourself down on the sofa the next morning.
"I said that [BF/N] was raped," you say, taking a mouthful of cereal and slowly munching on it.
"She was 15?" He asks. You nod, staring down at your cereal. You could remember that year, it was traumatising for her. You'd tap her on the shoulder or accidentally brush past her and she'd jump. You tried your hardest to help, but you couldn't do everything.
"We were 15, in year 10 at school," you say, "I had a after school club, so she walked home alone, just like any other Wednesday. When I got home she wasn't there, we lived down the road from each other you see. I couldn't reach her by the phone, mum told me that I was just being too weary. She still hadn't arrived by the time I had finished my homework, so I went looking. I walked the path to school, and I'm glad I did. I found her in a bush just down the path, most of her school uniform in shreds. She'd managed to cover herself up, I'm glad she had."
"Breath...." Dan said, you'd obviously been speaking too quickly, this happens a lot.
"I took her to her house, where she got into some more decent clothes, still a wreck. They called the police, and all that drill. She sent in a video clip of him running away, the only proof she had managed to get. The police found him, he ran off to Switzerland and hid there. Meanwhile, [BF/N] was off school, out of humiliation and fear, I was going to her house every night without fail. I needed to help." You say, still staring into your cereal that was probably soggy by now.
"I take it she then got a bit better and re-joined school?" Dan asks,
"Yeah, about that. She came to school, passed her GCSEs and became an accountant for her own company. She is still very reserved, I was thinking about warning Phil but I shouldn't be talking about it unless [BF/N] wants me to. I would have thought she would have told Phil by now but, according to the events that unraveled last night, I guess she hadn't." You reel off, it wasn't a story that you had said too often.
You put your soggy cereal on the side, you didn't want it anyways.
"I'd better be off, things to do, pumpkins to buy," you say, with the confidence of [BF/N] rubbing off on you.
"Buy me some maltesers whilst you're there," Dan says, grabbing your hand.
"Only if you come in my pumpkin carving video," you grin,
"Okay!" He exclaims, "I can get Phil and [BF/N] to do it as well!"
"Now just imagine me walking down the road laden with four pumpkins," you say, looking straight at Dan before he nearly spits his drink out,
"Good luck with that," he says
"Thanks," you say before going to get your shoes on.
Hey guys :)
Yes, I know it is short but I wanted to get you guys the description.
Only 160 reads to 10K. Ahhhhhhh. Last chapter it was something like 1110 reads, and that was around 6 days ago.
I don't really have much to say!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
Bethany :)

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