Distraction-Chapter 23

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It was November now and it was the start of firework season. You used to enjoy fireworks but after your anxiety had kicked in, they seemed to be three-hundred times louder.
You had spent all day writing with Liz and your story was coming to a good end. You had completed the story now but it was going to take a while to finish editing it. Let alone designing the cover and such like...
It was a Tuesday evening which meant Dan had his live show, you sat on Dan's bed re-reading through what you had previously written that day. You sat, drowned in your own thought, listening to Dan rattling off in the background about something to do with his uneventful Halloween. You sent the last chapter to Liz and closed the lid of your laptop. You get up,
"Do you want a drink whilst I'm up?" You offer,
"Squash please," Dan replies. You traipse through to the kitchen, checking your phone as you go. You made yourself and Dan a cup of Ribena each and asked asked [BF/N] and Phil if they wanted something before returning to Dan's room. You gave him the glass before dragging a chair over to Dan's computer to join in his chat. You rest your head on Dan's shoulder, listening to what he was saying, letting the comments whirl I to a blur. You sat comforted, clasped in a blanket of Dan's words and the serenity around you. You must have been sat like that for a while as you came back to your senses when Dan was flicking you in the head.
"What?" You ask, sitting up, very delirious. You focus on the comments, lots of them were along the lines of 'OTP :3' and 'Awww they're so cute' Oh how things change. There did happen to be nasty comments, you tried to block them out. You averted your attention to the window. A loud bang emitted. Beyond the curtains, the world lit up and transmitted a silhouette shape onto the blinds.
You blink and stare into the abyss of the night's sky. Another explosion. Another scene of the London skyline. You turn on your heel, grab your laptop and headphones and exit the room.
You walk to the bathroom and sit in the bath, turn your headphones up to full volume and play one of your favourite Dan videos. The distraction would work. Don't think about loud noises.
After about fifteen minutes, Dan came to find you.
"You've go to come out at some point," he says, grabbing your hand,
"Are the fireworks still going off?" You ask,
"Every now and then," Dan says, looking into your eyes. You couldn't help but give in to his grasp, you let him drag you through to his bedroom. You collapsed on his bed.
"Shift over," he says, nudging your side,
"No," you chuckle, making yourself a starfish shape across the whole bed.
"Well I'm going to lay here," Dan says, rolling onto your right arm and leg. He stayed there for a while, you could feel your arm and legs slowly going numb, losing sensation in each finger one by one.
"Dan, okay, that's enough, I'll move over," you plead,
"I'm comfortable now," Dan smiles,
"I'm not," you mutter.
"Okay okay," Dan says, lifting himself up to let you regain your limbs.
"Thanks," you sigh, the pain of regaining sensation in you leg starting.
You roll to face Dan, you snuggle into his warmth. Dan kisses your forehead,
"I'll never let you go you know," Dan mutters, "Not literally, that would be awkward," he chuckles.
You look up, into his eyes, then at his lips. You crash your lips with his, you feel his hands running through your [h/l] [h/c] hair. He puts one hand on your shoulder as he leans in further, kissing you more. You sit up, pulling Dan with you. You straddle him and lean into his shoulder.
'This is a great form of distraction' you thought...
Hey guys :)
Happy Halloween! I know it was last week but I didn't upload on Halloween!!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was only a little filler chapter.
As always, THANK YOU FOR READING, and I'll speak to you guys in the next chapter!
Bethany :)

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