Oh no you don't-Chapter 11

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You woke up at around 8AM and woke Dan up. He said you would be editing this morning as you were both going to be cooking this afternoon.
"Dannnnn, wake upppp, we've got editing to dooooo," you moan,
"But I'm so comfortable," he replies,
"I'll guess I'll have to go get the ice," you huff
"I'm up, I'm awake, just give me a few minutes to get ready," he shouts,
"Don't bother doing your hair," you smirk, "It'll be getting messy later anyways, and besides, I like it that way,"
"Cereal?" You ask as he shuffles into the kitchen,
"Yes please," he mutters, still looking half asleep,
"To be honest, you could probably do with that bag of ice," you offered,
"No thanks," Dan said, pouring milk over the cereal and all over the counter, "see, this is why you don't wake me up this early!" Dan exclaims.
After eating breakfast you both went upstairs to the office to edit, so Dan couldn't fall asleep on the bed.
You spent the morning editing and making the videos look really nice. Once you had set them to go live for tomorrow you looked at the video that Dan put up yesterday. Dan grabbed your hand as you clicked onto the video.
To your surprise a fair few of the comments were nice.
'So happy for you Dan,' and 'She's so nice, she's perfect,'
There was, predictably, a lot of hate. You tried to scroll past them by ones that stuck out were,
'She's an ugly twat,' and 'What's wrong with her face?'
As you were scrolling, you slowed down a bit to see a comment that had a lot of likes,
'Like if you think they're already f***ing,'
You took one more look at the amount of likes, before shifting uncomfortably in your seat. You look at your watch,
"It's half twelve, I'll go make lunch," you say, getting up,
"Oh no you don't, were cooking dinner, let them do lunch," Dan states, tugging your arm, "Let's play a game," Dan mentions, clicking off the video, you could've sworn he was looking at that comment.
"What games do you have," you asked,
"These," Dan says, revealing a cabinet full of computer games.
"I don't mind," you say,
"Well, let's play Sims then," replies Dan, pulling it out of the shelf.
You were just designing the house when [BF/N] comes in with two sandwiches.
"Thanks," you both say in unison,
"Remember," [BF/N] warned, "you're cooking dinner tonight,"
"Okay okay," you said, biting into your sandwich.
After having eaten your sandwich, you both made your way down to the kitchen.
"Right, I had an idea," you proceed, "we could make Pizza,"
"I was expecting something like Shepherds pie, but okay," Dan replied,
"Well, we could do Shepherds pie if you wish, but I'm not sure [BF/N] would like it," you reason,
"No, I didn't mean it like that. Anyways, I think I'm just capable of making Pizza," Dan jokes,
"This isn't just any Pizza," you say dramatically,
"Really?" Dan plays along,
"No, it's a [Y/N] specialty," you say with wide eyes,
"You mean to say that you make Pizza a lot," Dan asks.
"What else can I do in my spare time when my internet is down?" You reason.
"Fair enough," Dan laughs,
You get out the ingredients to make the Pizza base, and realise this would be a great thing to vlog.
"I'll be back in a minute," you say as you walk out of the kitchen toward Dan's bedroom looking for the vlogging camera. It was probably in Phil's bedroom, you think as you root around Dan's room,
"I'm coming in, if you are snogging, I don't wanna see," you warn whilst knocking on Phil's door. You swing open the door with your eyes closed.
"[Y/N], what the hell are you doing?" Phil asks, he had the camera on.
"We're baking, and we would like the vlogging camera," you explain, getting in shot of the camera,
"Thanks, happy filming," you say when Phil hands you the camera.
You walk into the kitchen to find Dan waiting for you, looking suspicious.
"We can vlog it," you explain, holding the camera up.
"Hey guys," you say to the camera,
"Hello Internet," Dan mentions,
"We are baking for [BF/N] and Phil today," you smile, "We're going to make a huge Pizza," you whisper, so they wouldn't hear from Phil's bedroom.
"[Y/N] just hijacked Phil's new video to get the camera," Dan laughs.
"Anyways, let's get started," you say.
As Dan was weighing out the ingredients, you turn the camera on and film yourself putting a load of flour on Dan's head,
"[Y/N]" Dan says, "I've just realised your filming me and I haven't done my hair,"
"Don't worry it looks cute like that," you say, blushing because the camera was still on.
When you'd finished making the pizza, there was probably more ingredients on you and Dan than actually in the pizza.
You all loved the Pizza and agreed it was better than the microwave meatballs any day. Your evening was spent editing the Vlog on the sofa snuggled up to Dan. There was something on the TV but you couldn't take your eyes off the video that you'd filmed. It was hilarious.

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