Edit that bit out-Chapter 46

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"So remind me what we're doing again," you ask once again, plonking yourself down next do Dan on his bed. You squint up to the camera as the lights feel too bright against your eyes.

"Well, it's kind of like a truth or dare video," Dan starts,

"Go on..." You say, worried what was coming next.

"But, it's got no truths and you're doing all of the dares," he finishes.

"In what way is that at all fair?" You begin to protest, but Dan ignores you and starts his introduction.

"So, [Y/N], your first challenge, should I say, is eating this lemon," he says with a grin, producing half a lemon from what seemed like thin air. You grin to yourself, time to release your secret talent.

"Where's the other half?" You ask.

"Not in a place that you can force me to eat it," he replies. You knew he'd do that.

"Okay then," you say, pulling the pips out of the segment of lemon you had in your hand. You bite into the lemon as if it were an orange segment, earning a short gasp from Dan by your side.

It took a few minutes for you to fully finish the lemon,

"Where did you say that other half was?" You asked Dan, who was staring at you with his mouth hanging open slightly, "What?" You ask him, playfully shoving him in the side.

"But you... What? How? The lemon was..." Dan said, seeming as if he couldn't string a coherent sentence together.

"Next dare, I'm beginning to think that I'll enjoy this," you say, smirking at Dan.

"But, what?" He says, staring at you with utter bewilderment.

"Yes, well done. I can eat lemons without reacting, what's your point?"

"Okay, okay, next you have to read this without pulling any facial expressions." Dan says, pulling up what looked like a book on his phone.

"I really don't trust you," you say, hesitantly taking the phone from Dan.

You read the text on the screen.

Of course.

What else would Dan make you read?

You look at Dan, trying to express your annoyance at him through your eyes. You divert your eyes back to the fanfiction in front of you. Reading the one shot fairly quickly, your eyes dart from side to side. You finish the chapter and pass it back to Dan, staring at him with a straight face.

"You made me read [Insert fanfic one shot of your choice]," you mutter,

"Yes, indeed." He laughs,

"So what else are you going to put me through? Maybe I should shut myself in the fridge?" You ask,

"That was one of my ideas, but the fridge will be too high for you to get in and then you'll end up falling out and breaking yourself anyway," Dan explains,

"Oh, well I'm glad you care for my welfare!" You say, sarcasm riddling your words. And with that, Dan's lips were on yours.

You leant into him, deepening the kiss. He runs his hands through your hair, twiddling the ends of your hair with his fingers. You pull away, resting your forehead on his.

"Lemons," Dan says, in a matter of fact tone.

"Edit that bit out," you laugh.

I know I didn't update last night. I have some explaining to do...
I started watching TMR bloopers, then came the gag reels and then half an hour long interviews.
Then I found myself watching a load of videos about Thomas Brodie Sangster and at that point I realised that I hadn't written.
But, who can resist?

(I apologise to Loony (Danosaurus__Rex ) , you've put up with a lot of me doing this recently)Anyway

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(I apologise to Loony (Danosaurus__Rex ) , you've put up with a lot of me doing this recently)
Hope you all have a great week!!
Bethany :)

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