Catching Shades(Part 1)-Chapter 44

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(Time skip a couple of months because I'm lazy)

"Today's going to be so fun!" [BF/N] shouts excitedly throughout the flat.

"I'm not driving!" You shout back in reply, earning a disgruntled groan from Dan, Phil and [BF/N].

"Neither," Dan also shouts, grinning at you from across the room, "Fetch that bag will you?" He asks, pointing vaguely to the other side of the bed whilst rooting through a pile of clothes on the floor.

You pick up the bag and throw it at him, grinning to your self as you hear a thud and then a slight whelp.

"Two can play at that game, [Y/N]!" He laughs, throwing a rogue jumper at you. You huff, throwing your now packed rucksack over your shoulder and walking out of the room, playfully elbowing Dan in the ribs on route.


"TIME TO GO" [BF/N] shouts from by your side. You wait a few minutes before leaving the flat with [BF/N] and getting in the back of the car. [BF/N] stared menacingly at you before slinging her bag in the boot and getting in the drivers seat. You didn't have to wait long until Dan and Phil were spotted tripping out of the flat and tumbling towards the car.

Dan sat in the back with you and Phil got in the passenger seat:He was, after all, in charge of directions. This could only go terribly wrong.

(Imagine you're on your phone and you've got one hand on the middle seat, okay?) It wasn't long into the journey when you were on your phone scrolling through your tumblr dash. You were so immersed in whatever you were looking at, that you flinched at the sudden warmth that hit your hand. You blushed awkwardly at Dan when you realised it was his hand closing around yours. Intertwining your fingers with his, you move so that you are leaning against him.

"Look guys," [BF/N] says addressing you and Dan, "I'm not a taxi driver, I cannot stand you two making out or doing weird things in the back of the car okay?" You could see her mocking eyes in the mirror, staring down at you. You could hear muffled giggles from the passenger seat, so you kick the chair,

"Stop!" You laugh, making Phil shut up almost immediately. Beside you, you feel Dan shrug slightly and before you know it Dan has leant into you. You went along with it just to annoy [BF/N], leaning into Dan and deepening the kiss. Suddenly, the radio is switched on and turned up, [BF/N] singing loudly along to it. You touch foreheads with Dan, smiling at him. His chocolatey brown eyes engulf you and you lean onto him, somewhat wishing that you weren't stuck in the back of a car listening to [BF/N]'s treacherous singing.

I know it's really short but I got 90 mins sleep last night and I'm making mistakes in my writing. I don't want your experience to suffer just because I'm rushing it.
Happy Easter to those that celebrate it!!
If you need me, I'm always here,
Bethany :)

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