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Both of them turned to the direction of that voice. There stood one of the important minister and commander in chief of Drupad and Aanyati's kaka shri Satyajeet

" Rajkumari, what are you doing here at this time" he asked and turned to see the other person standing. As soon as he digested every information of his looks he kneeled down.

" Oh lord Parshuram, forgive this lunatic kid. She had no idea about who you are" pleaded Satyajeet with head down and hands joined

" Who am I to forgive her, rajsevak, she is the purest soul I saw on this earth. I am impressed of her valour, I want to meet her guru " said Parshuram. All the time Aanyati stood there rooted. She knew who Parshuram is, she had heard every single detail of him, she consideres him as an incarnation of lord Vishnu ( which he actually is) , for her he is worth worshiping but right now she was unable to say anything.

" That will be an honour for Maharaj Drupad to meet you my lord " said Satyajeet standing up.

" Now please grant us the permission to leave my lord, pranipat " wished Satyajeet

" Pranipat " said Aanyati going along with her kaka on his horse lost in deep thoughts.

" Kaka shri, I had a question " said Aanyati after covering some distance from where they were

" I am upset with you Aanyati for lieing but I am your elder and it's my dharm to solve every query of yours, ask " he said in a stern voice.

She smiled a bit and continued" whom will pita shri choose if it's between you and me "

" Off course you putri, you are his daughter and I am a mere servent. " answered Satyajeet without any doubt

Aanyati hummed and continued in a mischievous tone" should I tell him that you knew about me coming to the forest from the beginning. Should I tell me that you revealed this fact today because you saw me with lord Parshuram. Will he trust me "

Satyajeet froze on his horse" putri, why will you lie about all this. I didn't know about you coming to forest " asked a shocked man

" I will not say all this if you don't tell pita shri about me coming to forest " she said contended with completing her plan

" Oh Lord, I wonder how much brain this little devil have" stated Satyajeet all defeated

" You are the best kaka shri" smiled Aanyati and sighted Satyajeet.

Soon she reached her palace and slept there peacefully. From the sunrise she started performing her daily routine.

Bathing, praying to lord Vishnu in a small temple of her own beside kridangan , meeting her father before his sabha and then playing with her friends.

" Rajkumari, Maharaj has called you in sabha " informed a maid

" Agnotri, I hope you haven't done any mistake again because even if mahraj pity on you, I will surely punish you this time " came the stern voice of Swarnika.

" No mata, I haven't done anything wrong " she lied flawlessly and went to the sabha without any fear

She was sure, her kaka hadn't told maharaj anything. As soon as she stepped inside the sabha, she froze. There stood bhagwan Parshuram with his axe

She was not scared of her lie being caught. Instead she was scared for her father. The tales of Parshuram killing every king and handing the earth to devtas is well known. A fear engulfed her - the fear of loosing her father.

" Panchali, putri, come here, meet bhagwan Parshuram" said Drupad with a weak smile. Aanyati wished him politely and stood there waiting for what's coming up.

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