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Yudhishthir as usual was guarding Aanyati's chamber when he again heard Moti shouting at Aanyati. This is what he is hearing since morning.

Today Aanyati is in full mood of teasing others who so ever come across her.

" Thud" he heard a voice of someone falling. The very next moment Aanyati ran out of her chamber smiling with an angry Moti following her behind. But instead of just running away she stopped.

" Stop Moti, it's my order" she said in a mischievous voice and came toward Yudhisthir who gulped thinking what she will do now. She once made him sit on flowers and drew a picture of his. Although the picture was nice but only he knows how embarrassing he felt at that moment beside the grass was very ticklish.

" Oh rakshak mahoday, won't you follow me today for my safety" she smirked knowing his reply.

" Offcourse I will Rajkumari, it's my dharm" he answered without meeting her eyes.

" Oh you and your dharm, just leave it and catch me" with those words she ran as fast as she could. Moti stood there surprised of this princess. She is full of innocence but still can kill someone by her eyes only.

Aanyati ran through the long corridors of her palace to the beautiful garden, jumping across small streams of water. She ran over the high walls of that fort to the jungle beside laughing heartedly.

Her golder brown hairs flowing in air allowing the intoxicating Daisy smell to spread in the air. Her white odhni flying high as she ran faster and faster. Her mang tika, earings, necklaces all jumping along with her. Her anklets creating a melodious music. Her enchanting smile working as a cherry on top.

Yudhishthir for once wanted to touch those beautiful hairs, inhaling there fragrance. Even the great warrior princess Shrikhandini fights with Moti to comb her hair. Cause she never pays attention toward them.

She ran through the pine and oak forest until she reached a safe place and hid behind a tree.

" Need any help Rajkumari" came a voice startling her. She turned around to see four young men standing with generous smile on their face. She examined them carefully. One was really huge to even look at while one had the calmness spread all over his face. One held the mischievous smile like her while one seemed like an archer by his soul piercing eyes.

Aanyati was about to say no when an idea popped in her mind.

She changed her tone to scared and nervous one saying" Yes please, that man is behind me, he wants to abduct me, he is the biggest adharmi I have ever seen, he lied to me" she said pointing toward Yudhisthir who was trying to find her.

The four brothers looked at her all shocked.
Their laughter betraying them.

" That man is behind you?" asked the huge one controlling his laughter.

" Yes" she answered desperately

" He wants to abduct you?" asked the calm one

" Yes"

" He is the biggest adharmi?" asked the mischievous one

" Yes"

" He lied to you?" asked the assumed archer is complete shock

" Why are you all repeating my sentences?" she asked confused. Till the time the biggest adharmi, the liar, reached there.

Aanyati had a winning smile on her face knowing she had successfully put Yudhisthir in deep trouble. These man will not leave him easily.

" Pranipat jyest" all the four men said in unison. Aanyati's smile drop instantly.

" Jyest?" She questioned hoping she heard wrong

Aanyati - A Warrior Where stories live. Discover now