A solution

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As expected by Aanyati, the whole Kuru sabha was questioning them, their actions. Yudhishthir tried his best to justify his actions but Shakuni and Duryodhan were hell bent to prove them wrong. Thanks to Draupadi, Bhism was now at their side. A lot of accusations were thrown on Draupadi calling her impure but her husbands were there for her. Matter slipped from pandavas hand when Duryodhan questioned Aanyati out of sudden.

" I wonder about the future of kuru kingdom if these sisters are supposed to be it's Maharani in future Maharaj! " Duryodhan's venemous voice spread in the whole sabha " two sisters marrying to same man can create conflict in power sharing" that argument had no base. But Shakuni was still smiling which made Aanyati frown. Soon she understood that Shakuni is just testing her if she can be proven as any danger in near future. Aanyati too decided to tell him what she is.

" Correct me if I am wrong Yuvraj Duryodhan, but the late mothers of Maharaj Pandu and Maharaj Dhridrashtr Kashi Kumari Ambika and Ambalika were sisters as well" her voice was calm and serene. Shakuni was smirking looking at her. Duryodhan looked angry by her remark.

" I am sorry bhrata Yudhishthir but I don't consider this woman as a good representative for maharani's post. Who knows she too like her sister have illegal relations with her brother in laws" Duryodhan's voice echoed throughout the sabha. Many gasped at his statement.

" Duryodhan!!!!" Before Aanyati could react Bheem had his mace directed to Duryodhan's face.

" Maharaj!!!" Shakuni's honey coated voice came in between " what is happening in your sabha Maharaj?? Bheem has raised weapons on the crowned Yuvraj!!! This is a crime Maharaj!"

Dhridrashtr too seemed furious " Bheem! I give you life imprisonment for raising weapons on Hastinapur's Yuvraj "

" What crime is he getting this punishment for Maharaj?" Aanyati questioned after calculating every possible outcome.

" I know you are knowledgeable of vedas Drupad Kanya but I haven't granted you the permission to speak in my court " Dhridrashtr shouted angrily. Aanyati understood the reason of his anger very well.

" I have every right to speak up for my self respect Maharaj. Your son questioned the holy relation of bhabi and Devar in your court. He disrespected me, your kulvadhu in front of you and you still remained silent. You are speaking of punishing Bheem for raising his weapons but you didn't punish him for disrespecting a woman. May I know the reason of this partiality Maharaj?!!"
Aanyati's fierce voice felt like fire to many ears.

Dhridrashtr went silent though anger was visible on his face.

" Yuvraj will surely get the punishment for disrespecting you Drupad Kanya but only after Bheem is punished" Shakuni argued knowing Duryodhan's punishment cannot be more than apologizing but Bheem will surely be removed from his way. Aanyati knew this very well too.

" If it is all about punishing the sinner then we should start from the one who tried to poision an innocent child, the one who tried to burn pandavas alive in Varnavrat. Should we start from there Gandhar Raj" Aanyati matched the smirk of Shakuni which was long gone. Though they don't have any proof of Varnavrat incident but they do have every proof against the one who poisioned Bheem.

" Silence!!! The court will proceed tomorrow" Dhridrashtr announced getting up from his seat and left followed by an angry Duryodhan and Shakuni.

Aanyati sighted remembering what all happened in the sabha. Her relation with her brothers was questioned. But then she remembered what all Draupadi had heard and all her worries vanished away. That girl has suffered a lot in just few days. Aanyati thanked God for keeping her with Draupadi to support her. Right now Draupadi was lying her head in Aanyati's lap while Aanyati was carresing her hairs.

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