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Almost three days has passed. Aanyati had refused to talk to anyone, neither she eats not cries her heart out.

Maharaj Drupad had tried everything to get her out but she is stubborn. Mata Swarnika had not stopped crying since but she is still not coming out.

Her food was about to go untouched when Yudhisthir intrupted the maid who brought food.

" Devi, let me try once" he said taking the plate from her hand.

It is true that Yudhisthir is supposed to make sure no one enters her chamber but he can enter. Can he?

As soon as he entered inside her chamber, he felt the warmness of fire. Agnotri she is. Then his eyes travelled to the balcony where she sat clueless. She was wearing the same clothes she had during that day. The blood marks on her face were not washed as well. She just sat there, her eyes open and mouth shut, no crying or wailing just complete silence.

He placed the food plate on a table and sat along with her.

" Indeed you plays well rakshak mahoday. You were supposed to make sure no one gets in and now you yourself entered my chamber without my permission. Such adharmi you are" she said her voice cold without any emotion. But even in this situation she didn't leave the chance to tease him. She called him adharmi..( laugh)

" What's the reason of this state Rajkumari?" He asked ignoring her previous taunt.

" Don't act like you don't know. You never lie , right you call it adharm then why my pita shri did this adharm" she questioned. Pain was visible in her words.

" He didn't lie Rajkumari, he never did. You never asked him and he considers you his daughter then why would he call you someone else's" argued Yudhisthir in the calmest voice.

Aanyati finally showed some moment and met his gaze. Her heart skipped for a bit. His eyes are so comforting that she wants to drown in them. A cozy silence surrounded them which was broken by Yudhisthir

" He loves you more than anything else Rajkumari. Agni dev himself gave you to him then who is he to not consider you his daughter. He never told you anything because you are his daughter. The fact that you are born out of fire and nature changes nothing at all" Aanyati was convinced and how will she not be, he gave every reason to.

" Why didn't you tell this to me earlier? Do you have any idea how hungry I am?" She fake glared. Yudhishthir chuckled on this princess's antics. She actually is unpredictable. He brought the plate to her but she instead to eating forwarded some bowls to him. He looked amused at her

" I know you haven't left the door from past three days. You must be hungry. Eat it and its my order don't protest" she said and started eating.

Yudhishthir smiled and ate too. God know why but that day the food tasted really delicious to him.

" Now I must go to pita shri he must be blaming himself for all this" saying that she got up.

" Will you go like this?" came his voice. It was at this moment Aanyati realised her clothes are covered in dirt and blood. She smiled awkwardly and went to her attached royal bathroom. Yudhishthir too went out to guard.

Today Aanyati felt a relief. She felt like there's someone who can satisfy her mind by his answers. She herself got ready today. Without any maid.

She choose yellow saree and a thin blue odhni. Her jewellery was  light and her hairs were open. She directly went to her father's chamber who was standing in the balcony looking at a flame beside him.

" Pita shri" Aanyati called. Drupad immediately became alert.

" Putri" Aanyati ran to his embarace. He too hugged her tightly. " You are my daughter, my Draksha nothing else" he said controlling his tears.

Aanyati - A Warrior Where stories live. Discover now