A normal day

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With a deep breathe Yudhisthir finally entered into the den of lion. The lioness herself was standing in front of him with hands folded on chest. She hardly had any jewellery upon herself except the chudamani. In these months Yudhisthir realised she looks more beautiful while wearing less ornaments.

This is not the time to admirer her you fool!!

His brain scolded him. He went forward toward a table to keep his crown.

" Finally you found some time Dharmraj!!" Her voice came making him more nervous. He might not show anything on face but he too feels just like every other human.

" My whole time is for you only Maharani" he said turning around. Aanyati too turned around.

" Oh really!! Can you tell me when we spend some quality time together " she asked raising her eye brow. At this moment Yudhisthir found the chance to turn the game.

" But why should we spend time together?"

" Because we are husband and wife and they spend time together to talk to know about each other, to produce chi......" She stopped in between realising what she was about to say. This time Yudhisthir raised his one eye brow.

" Seems like the bold chatter box is at loss of words " he teased with a smirk. Smirk? Since when he become like this.

" I...am....j...just saying that we should know about each other. Almost an year is about to pass and we still don't know about each others likings and dislikes " she tried to change the topic unaware of what's coming next.

" You are my only liking Maharani. The things you dislike is hated by me too. The things you love are my favourite. " His voice was calm and full of emotions. Aanyati didn't know how to react. This was the first time he openly confessed his feelings. Is she supposed to say something. Dealing with what to do in her mind, she stood straight without any moment. Yudhishthir smiled to himself finding her like this. He knew this confession can change a lot but he believes he just said 0.1% of what he feels.

After finding her in trouble till now Yudhisthir decided to change the topic. Who knows she stand like this whole night.

" Have you called the raj Purohit for discussing Vishwa's marriage date?" He asked breaking her trance.

" ..y...yes...he said next whole week is auspicious" she stammered finding proper words.

" So what did you decide? When should we marry him?" He asked smiling.

" I think we should not hurry. Rajkumari Rajeshwari might be playing strong but she needs time to adjust in her surroundings. To know bhrata Vishwa" she reasoned with vivid concern. Yudhishthir noded understanding her words.

" We will discuss about this with Vishwa and Rajkumari in the morning " saying so both went to sleep. Yudhishthir had a peaceful sleep while Aanyati was still in shock of what he said.

In the meeting chamber of Yudhisthir sat he and his family deep in thoughts.

" How will we manage all this?" Nakul raised the question everyone had in their minds.

With a deep sight Yudhisthir began" Nakul and Sehdev will look after the village affected in plague, Arjun will see the disturbances in the east, Yuyutsu will accompany him, internal finance will be checked by Bheem and Vishwa and I myself will go to help Shivi Naresh "

Everyone agreed on his planning. In just two days, one of Indrprast's village was hit by plague, some eastern kingdoms were planning to rebel against Indrprast, many scams were seen in financial management and Shivi Naresh has asked for help in a war threatening his kingdom.

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