Drama begins

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After almost one day Aanyati along with her new family was about to reach Hastinapur. Panchal being a neighbouring kingdom provided early route. She was sitting in her palanquin when the loud noise of drums startled her out of her thoughts.

Typical Kurus!!

They have almost started a festival to welcome their kulvadhu. More than 100 people were standing there when she saw from her palanquin. But after her marriage she can't say they over exgrated. Her own father turned Panchal into a kingdom of gold on his daughters marriage. She can still see the gifts he had sent to Hastinapur arriving through chariots. They are not ending at all.

" Putr Yudhishthir call my daughter in law" Gandhari's voice rang in her ears as she stepped out of her palanquin. Before her feet could touch ground, a thal full of flowers was placed below her feet. She sighted for once and then continued her journey to where her husband was standing.

She didn't miss the amazed look thrown to her by people.

" Pranipat maharani " she wished and bent down to take her blessings.

" Sobhagya wati bhava putri " Gandhari placed her hand on her head.

She did her aarti along with Yudhisthir welcoming her officialy. Then Aanyati moved to Dhridrashtr who stood with a stoic expression.

" Pranipat Maharaj " he blessed her without saying anything. Aanyati too didn't expect him to bless her after she rejected his son on his face. She moved to the only person who seemed a bit happy but was hiding it behind his stern expression.

" Pranipat pita ma"

" It was my wish to have you as my kulvadhu putri" he said in his deep heavy voice " I hope you will not degrade my wish"

" Never" Aanyati answered with a soft smile and stood at a spot beside the main gate waiting for the drama to start again as Draupadi was called.

Shakuni was giving her a wicked smile while Duryodhan just glared at her once and then turned away. Aanyati smiled at Shakuni matching his wicked smile.

" Putr Arjun come forward for Aarti" Gandhari said smiling.

" She is married to we five Maharani " said Bheem.

Here we go again!!

Gandhari's thal fell from her hand. A dreading look spread on everyone's face who stood there. Gasps led their way to everyone's ears. Bhism who was smiling till now gave a disgusting look. Shakuni turned with a surprised expression toward Aanyati. She got confused what this man's obsession with her is. Duryodhan smirked at the news hiding his shock.

This can't be possible.

This is adharm!

Have you lost your mind?

I won't allow this sin.

The biggest adharmi also started calling this marriage as adharm. Aanyati just looked at her innocent sister who was trying her best to not cry. On pita mah order, everyone shut up and it was decided that further discussion will take place in sabha tomorrow morning.

Aanyati and Draupadi were led to their chamber by a dasi and Dushala. Moti and Tara followed them behind.

" Dharmraj's chamber is on the left" Aanyati said being confused as Dushala led her to right. Dushala and everyone narrowed their eyes on Aanyati.

" What?"

" How do you know where jyesth's chamber is?" Dushala looked at her in suspicion. Now it dawned upon Aanyati.

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