The magical city - Dwarka

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After travelling for three days, Aanyati was about to enter the boundary of Dwarka.

In these three days, her sakha tried his best to make her smile and that worked to some extent but the betrayal she is feeling in her heart still remained there.

No one asked about him. This thing gave her immense relief.

" Sakha wait! " exclaimed Aanyati as they were about to enter Dwarka's boundary. " I want to witness this magical city closely. I want to walk to the palace" she stated her wish.

" Who am I to denie you Sakhi, come" smiled Krishna guiding her the way.

Aanyati travelled through the enchanting streets of Dwarka digesting every single detail of that city. Every part of that city screamed love, affection, it screamed
- Radha Krishn. Animals walked like it's jungle, people like it's city. If there's any heaven on earth, it is Dwarka. Finally she reached the magnificent palace shining under Surya dev.

There stood two ladies along with a thal for Aarti. She immediately recognised them.

" Pranipat Rukmini jiji, pranipat Satyabhama jiji " Aanyati wished them with a small smile on her face. Both the ladies stood there rooted. They were eagerly waiting for her arrival but not more than their Swami. But the situation took a turn.

They were mesmerised by this maiden in front of them. Her fragrance is enough to calm someone's turmoil. Her smile, elegant yet innocent. The fire she hold in her eyes is perfectly balanced by the calmness of her face.

" Seems like my wives are already your fan Sakhi " peeped Krishna.

" Who would not be Swami, her voice is enough to soothe me " said Rukmini touching her face affectionately.

" Don't embarrace me by such words jagatmata, I am just a mere girl who got the chance to see you" said Aanyati touching her lotus like feet.

" Don't make us sin by touching our feet Panchali , come inside " said Satya smiling.

" Let me have her introduction before letting her in Satya " came a stern voice. There stood maharathi Balram with his grace. Aanyati felt blessed to see Sheshnag in front of her. But if he is asking for her introduction then it is no less than a test.

' dao ' krishn bit back his smile.

" Pranipat Yuvraj, you ask for my introduction, I am my father's pride, my mother's love, my sister's strength, my people's support, my Sakha's maid but truly I am just a mere mortal suffering from my past deeds or creating my future with my deeds " she answered without blinking directly looking into his eyes.

Rukmini and Satya looked at her in awe. All they have heard about her is true. Krishna stood there controlling his laughter. Balram satisfied with her answer finally smiled.

" How can I even doubt the person who stole my kahna's name from him this easily " he said blessing Aanyati" I am dao for you not Yuvraj " he smiled taking her in.

" I doubt Sakhi, now with my name you are going to take my position in Dwarka as
well " reasoned Krishna smiling.

" Don't you think you had enough of their love now let me steal some " chuckled Aanyati.

Meanwhile in Hastinapur, Kunti was making a chudamani by herself  waiting for her sons. Today they are returning from Gurukul . She felt no need to welcome them. Cause she knew they don't desire any grand welcome, they just want solace.

" Mata!" Kunti turned to see her five sons standing there with glory. Her eyes became teary. All the Pandavas took her blessings and then engulfed her in a tight hug. Kunti almost stumbled but then smiled.

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