Unspoken words

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Do comment. I really need your suggestion on this plot...

With a sudden shift of events, Droni was lying on ground swordless. Aanyati out of rage forwarded her sword to cut his head when Drone came in between.

" Leave him putri, you will get back your Kingdom" he shouted, desperation visible in his tone. Aanyati's hands stopped in mid air. Her stiff posture loosened a bit. Drupad smiled with proud. Pandavas too had shocked expressions.

" I will not take a penny in alms Bharadwaj putr" she turned, her eyes still holding the rage but the calmness back on her face. Her eyes never blinked as she stared into Drone's . " You won this kingdom by fighting and I defeated the king. In return I want Panchal's capital Kampalia " she announced. Drone took no time in accepting her demand.

" Raging a war against any kingdom is right but enslaving the former King is not " she said in her cold voice piercing through Yudhisthir's golden brown eyes.

Saying that she left with her father who looked displeased but said nothing. Maybe because he believe he have no right to demand anything from Aanyati. He remembers the lines Agni Dev said at her birth.

She is born with pre written destiny, don't you ever try to change that.

Both father and daughter saw the people of Panchal coming out of their houses again, joining hands in front of them as they walked. Many moved along with them, not ready to leave their princess.

Both reached the royal palace of Kampalia. As soon as they entered inside the palace, Drupad engulfed Aanyati in his arms. Although for once but the thought of loosing his daughter came in his mind which threatened him to no end.

" Pita shri, please forgive this daughter of yours. The moment you needed me the most, I wasn't there" she cried

" Don't say that putri, you are my Draksha, you can't do anything wrong, the mistake was mine to allow those traitor Kurus enter my palace in disguise" he gritted his teeth.

Aanyati felt a sudden pain in her heart. Is he responsible for that. No. She thought. She even after knowing who they are didn't behead them at that very moment. She allowed them to go. She cursed herself for being so feelings driven.

" Vriti" Moti engulfed Aanyati in a tight hug. From there Aanyati could see Shrikhandini standing at a distance drowing in guilt for not being able to do anything.

She went to her engulfing her in a hug
" Everything is alright. We are in our palace, we still are princess, we will not die of hunger. don't worry about what to do" chuckled Aanyati which made others smile as well. Although Drupad's smile was temporary.

" Gurudev now allow us to leave" Yudhisthir asked for his permission

He noded " putr Yudhishthir, you indeed are the deserving King of Hastinapur" Drone smiled. Bheem looked at him amused. He could not control his curiosity and asked

" Gurudev, that princess defeated you and you still are happy?"

" Why shouldn't I be Bheem, that princess is Drupad's daughter which means my daughter. Even if she hadn't come, I was going to return Kampalia to Drupad as a token of our friendship. I am impressed by that girl's valour and knowledge " he said with a calm smile.

You might be Gurudev but I am sure she isn't. Thought Yudhishthir.

They left the palace after sunset to reach Hastinapur as soon as possible.

" I still can't proceed what all just happened" said Sehdev sitting on his horse.

" No need to burden you small brain Sehdev, just be happy on the fact that Duryodhan lost and we won" smiled Nakul along with Bheem.

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