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Finally Aanyati exited her chamber to leave. She was sure there wouldn't be many people present for her farewell as the functions were still going on and she can leave easily.

But the whole Kuru clan decided to prove her wrong. As soon as she stepped on the path leading to the main gate, there stood the whole Kuru clan. She for once thought that someone else is going today too but no, it was she only.

She could see what's going in their mind. None of them was here without any reason. From the days she had spend here, she concluded that this family is more complicated than her long hairs. No one do anything without a reason behind. If the whole Kuru clan is present here then it might be for a reason too. She one by one started visiting everyone.

" Come again putri" Kunti hugged her." You seems like the part Kurus require to complete its clan" Aanyati understood her meaning immediately. But showed nothing and went forward.

"Give me the permission Maharani" she asked from Gandhari. She seemed a bit aloof to Aanyati after Aanyati confronted Bhism.

" Past must be buried in past only, there's no need to dig it again putri" with a small hesitant smile Gandhari said. Although Aanyati wanted to converse more but neither she had the time nor the moment was correct. Beside she had great respect for such strong princess like Gandhari who for her kingdom sacrificed herself.

" I wish to meet your blessed father once" Bhism said in his stern voice.

" You already got the chance and I don't think this time my sister will allow you to even enter Panchal" Aanyati gave a small smile. Bhism too smiled knowing what she said but she stopped and turned against " must update your spy network, they are still recognisable" Vidur and Bhism both were amused. Indeed they had their spies on her. She figured this out and that is commendable.

Next person standing in front of Aanyati was Shakuni, Dhridrashtr and Duryodhan. The wicked smile on Shakuni' s face made it clear that he had something in his mind.
Dhridrashtr appeared like being forced to stand here. He just blessed her half heartedly and left.

" I wish you could force him to be a little more generous" Aanyati stared into Shakuni's evil eyes.

" We are here to offer you the best hospitality Drupad kanya, why want that from him?" Shakuni chuckled evily. Duryodhan seemed more like checking her. Like giving her marks in a test. But Aanyati hardly paid attention to him.

Duryodhan remembered his conversation with his mama Shri.

" Mere bacche, that girl Aanyati is the queen of our chess. She can make any move of her choice and that must benifit us in future " said Shakuni

" Be clear Mama shri " Duryodhan made an annoyed face.

" My dear, that buddha wants her as a kulvadhu for Hastinapur and I want you to fullfill his wish "

" What are you saying Mama shri? That arrogant girl had already rejected my proposal. Why will she accept it again? Beside why should I fullfill pita ma's wish? Half of Panchal is already under mitr Ashwatthama and I don't find any benifit in making relations with Kampalia" Duryodhan almost snapped at Shakuni who rolled his eyes at his brain less nephew.

" Mere bacche, she had rejected your proposal because your father have no Idea about how to convince someone . That girl Aanyati is divine fire born, she possess eternal beauty and brain. Your pita ma wants Yudhisthir to marry her but having her on our opposite side may result in our loss. It's better to collect your soldiers before the war and mark my words, she is a really important soldier. " Shakuni explained his motive while Duryodhan listened carefully.

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