Some emotions

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Karna was travelling through the magnificent large corridors of Indrprast taking in the beauty of this magical city. Indeed it feels like the indrlok of earth. Walls appear to be of gold, curtains keep of flying even in the absence of air, many hidden water pools are present throughout the palace. Maybe to control the fire of fire borns. That's what he thought.

He is still confused about the behaviour of Aanyati. He knows Yudhisthir is Dharmraj and treats everyone properly but that woman seems a lot more than what he knows. She was the one to protest against him in swayamvar and now was insisting him to stay back at Indrprast. He was walking like this immersed in his thoughts when he found another hidder water pool in his way. His warrior eyes caught it easily. He stood there figuring out the way around.

Meanwhile a facinated Devika was running through the palace of Indrprast in the dark night. Every part of this palace was magical and she wanted to cherish this view. She stepped close to a fire pot kept aside and suddenly the fire rose up. She almost ran away wondering what just happened. She once turned to see if the fire is still there or not but at the very next moment she collided with something or someone resulting in both of them pushing each other into water.

Karna got startled when someone hit his back and was about to turn around when he fell into the invisible pool with that someone.

He came out of water with that person locked in his arms thinking that person is an intruder.

He froze the moment he saw that person. It was a woman clad in less yet beautiful jewellery. Her long black hairs were wet with water. Some of her hair strands had fallen on her moon like face. A faded pink shade glowed on her cheeks. Her lips slightly parted maybe because of shock. Karna held her hands behind her back with his one hand while his other hand was stedied her through her arm.

Devika had not even came out of the shock of drowing in water when she felt someone grasping her hands and shoulder tightly. She cleared her vision to see a man just inches away from her face. His face glowing like sun even at night. His eyes sharp and observant. Those wet hairs made him look no less than any prince charming. His sharp jawline made him more handsome as he gazed at her with confusion....or suspicion.

" Leave me!! Who are you?" She struggled under his grip but of no use. He was far more stronger than her.

" I should be the one asking that question" karna said without loosing his grip

" And why do you think so you thief?" She almost barked at his face.

" Thief?? And me??" He smirked " so now you are blaming me for the deed you were doing" his voice was heavy.

" What do you mean? I am not a thief. Leave me" She again struggled in his arms. Her face getting red in anger and irritation or... embarrassment.

" Oh then who are you? A princess who was roaming at night in this palace without guards and dasis?" He raised his perfect eye brow.

" Yes!! I am Shivi Rajkumari Devika" she said with confidence. Karna let out an evil chuckle.

" Oh really then I must be Suryadev. Atleast you should have lied smartly. What will Shivi Rajkumari do in Indrprast?"

Devika closed her eyes to calm herself before trying to say something.

" Look......"

" Devika!?!?!"

" Ang....maharathi!?!?"

The shocked voice of Maharaj and Maharani of Indrprast rang throughout the corridor. They were coming after gossiping about everything with mata Kunti when they saw two human fishes in water. Karna let Devika go as he himself came out.

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