Teasing and realisation

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Aanyati was getting teased constantly by Krishna from the time he came. Either by the name of Rajkumar Yudhisthir or by her rakshak mahoday. It was getting difficult for her to even face that man. She is still embarrassed about what happened yesterday.

" Sakhi, why is this man following us everywhere?" asked Krishna being annoyed.

Before Yudhisthir could reply she mimicked him " cause its his dharma to protect me and he can't do any adharm"

Krishna laughed at the antics of his sakhi.
" Don't worry Govind, you will get used to him. He will not talk unless necessary and feels like a statue most of the times" she said smirking while Yudhisthir watched her with immense affection. Why? He don't know.

For an instance their eyes met. How warm and comforting his eyes are? Thought Aanyati.

Suddenly krishna forwarded toward Yudhisthir and started staring in his eyes. Both Aanyati and Yudhisthir looked at him in confusion.

" Sakhi, I don't see any warmness or comfort in his eyes" exclaimed Krishna deep in thoughts still staring him. Meanwhile Aanyati's eyes come out of her socket as she looked at this man infront of her.

" Sakha!" she became angry but only Yudhisthir and Krishna knew how cute she looked like that. " Don't read my mind " she shouted.

" I didn't sakhi but wait were you thinking so" he chuckled.

Meanwhile Yudhishthir's heart fluttered. She thinks my eyes hold warmness and comfort. He was overjoyed but stayed like a statue not even smiling.

Now Aanyati too realised she opened her secret. Her eyes shut as her cheeks again become a tomato. Without facing the two men glaring at her , she literally ran from there.

Only Aanyati know how will she face him again. She washed off all her thoughts as it was the time of her weapon practice. She reached the kridangan and found a man already practising sword battle. He seemed like a greatly trained one. Then Aanyati saw his face. He was her rakshak mahoday 's brother. Satanika as much as she remembers. Now she just wanted to challenge him to increase her skills.So she did as he agreed. He didn't seemed older than her.

Yudhishthir watched this battle with curiosity as to know what will happen. Somewhere he knew Aanyati will return crying about loosing from his brother. Arjun aka Shrutkarma and Bheem aka Sutsoma were also present there. They too became interested and watched what's going on eagerly.

The battle started with some easy attacks from both sides. Neither Nakul nor Aanyati turned this practice into battle. Both were giving each other tough competition. Then Nakul looked at his brother asking permission if he should defeat her or not. Yudhishthir noded his head and Nakul smiked. Now he got the permission to show his true valour.

This Princess is going to cry now. He thought. Meanwhile Krishna who was standing far away smiled.

'Now they will see the valour of Parshuram 's shisya ' he chuckled.

Nakul now fastened his moves and to tackle then Aanyati did the same. He for once was surprised seeing her fighting with the same speed. Then as he thought he won by throwing Aanyati's sword in air, she jumped, catched the sword, kicked him in his chest as he fell back and placed the sword on his neck.

Nakul was in shock, so were other pandavas. Krishna smiled and Aanyati smirked.

" Making your opponent weaponless isn't a win, is it?" She smiled.

" You are a great warrior Satanika mahoday, I am impressed" Aanyati helped him stand up.

" I might be great Rajkumari but you are par excellence" he stated looking at this princess.

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